Solid waste management in developing urban areas : case study of Lwandle Township

Puling, Leloko
Van der Merwe, J. H.
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The subject of waste management is one that evokes a variety of debates due to the overwhelming implications on the environment and on health that are associated with the management of waste. In developing urban areas associated with informal settlements, environmental problems emanating from household solid waste management predicaments such as illegal dumping, littering and overfilling of skips have become a permanent feature. This is also the case in Lwandle a developing township in Helderberg Municipality, Western Cape. This study looks into the waste management system in Lwandle with the aim to investigate institutional settings, related socio-economic factors and resultant community perceptions, and avenues for the use of environmental education and community participation. The results show waste collection to be the responsibility of the Helderberg Municipality, but the collection operation is undertaken by a private contractor. The nature of waste collection under these arrangements is mainly determined by the nature of housing and associated accessibility. Consequently, three main methods of waste collection are used: kerbside collection; communal collection where there is use of bins and communal collection where there is use of skips. These have varying efficiency among the nine housing areas. Socioeconomic conditions, which were marked by a high level of unemployment and low incomes, determine societal attitudes. These underpin finer variations and detailed conditions of waste collection. These, in tum, establish the framework for suitable environmental education and community participation. The latter was found to be minimal. Thus, a holistic approach to the improvement of waste management that first acknowledges inherent broader societal problems such as housing and unemployment is proposed as part of the recommendations. This approach then concentrates on finer aspects such as contracts for waste collection, aspects of waste collection dependent on waste stream nature of housing areas, appropriate environmental education and community participation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Afvalbestuur is 'n onderwerp wat 'n verskeidenheid van debatte uitlok vanwee die geweldige implikasies vir die omgewing en vir gesondheid wat met afvalbestuur geassosieer word. In ontwikkelende stedelike gebiede wat met informele behuising geassosieer word, het omgewingsprobleme soos onwettige storting, die strooi van rommel en oorvol stortbakke wat verband hou met die hantering van vaste afval uit huise 'n permanente kenmerk geword. Dit is ook die geval by Lwandle, 'n ontwikkelende dorpsgebied te Helderberg, in die Wes-Kaap. Hierdie studie beskou die afvalbestuursisteem in Lwandle met die doel om institusionele omgewings, verwante sosio-ekonomiese faktore en die persepsies van die gemeenskap wat daaruit ontwikkel, asook moontlikhede vir die gebruik van omgewingsopvoeding en gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid, te ondersoek. Die resultate van die ondersoek toon dat die Helderberg Munisipaliteit verantwoordelik is vir die insameling van afval, maar dat die insameling deur 'n private kontrakteur uitgevoer word. Onder sulke omstandighede word die aard van afvalinsameling hoofsaaklik deur die aard van die behuising en die verwante toeganklikheid bepaal. Daarvolgens is daar drie hoofmetodes van insameling, wat deur verskillende grade van effektiwiteit gekenmerk word, vir die nege behuisingsgebiede: sypaadjie versameling; kommunale versameling in dromme; en kommunale versameling in stortbakke. Sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede, wat gekenmerk word deur 'n hoe mate van werkloosheid en lae inkomstes, bepaal gemeenskapshoudings wat deur die verskillende maniere van afvalverwydering tot stand kom en ondersteun fyner variasies en gedetailleerde omstandighede van afvalinsameling. Dit bepaal weer die raamwerk vir gepaste omgewingsopvoeding en die deelname van die gemeenskap. Die studie het getoon dat laasgenoemde minimaal is. 'n Holistiese benadering tot die verbetering van afvalbestuur, wat eerstens inherente breer gemeenskapsprobleme soos behuising en werkloosheid erken, word dus as deel van die aanbevelings voorgestel. Hierdie benadering konsentreer vervolgens op die fynere aspekte, soos kontrakte vir afvalinsameling, aspekte van afvalinsameling, gepaste omgewingsopvoeding en gemeenskapsdeelname.
Thesis (MSc (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
103 Leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i- viii and numbered pages 1-94.I ncludes bibliography, ADDENDUM A: Questionnaire document used in the research; list of tables and figures.
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Refuse and refuse disposal -- South Africa -- Strand -- Management, Refuse collection -- South Africa -- Strand, Squatter settlements -- South Africa -- Strand, Dissertations -- Geography and environmental studies, Theses -- Geography and environmental studies