Reasons contributing to low uptake of HIV testing and counselling services by health workers in Masvingo urban district

Nyahwa, Namatirai
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV and AIDS have not spurred the health professionals despite the fact that the society expects health workers to be role models and have adequate knowledge of HIV and AIDS. This study wanted to identify the gaps that exist in the health workers’ knowledge, skills and attitude in the practice of HIV Testing and Counselling services. The limitation was that the study was conducted at three workplace in Masvingo Urban District and cannot be generalised for the health professionals. The findings showed that the health workers have knowledge on HIV and AIDS and have relatively high level of uptake of HIV Testing and Counselling services and they know where to access the services. The recommendations are that there is need for continuous in-service education for health workers to be updated, need to explore additional barriers to HIV Testing and Counselling uptake, stigma at workplace and need to assure confidentiality so that health workers can access HIV testing and Counselling services freely. Health workers should be at the forefront of undergoing HIV Testing and Counselling, and explaining the benefits and advantages to the communities they operate in.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was die bepaling van die kennisgaping asook verskille in houdings en vaardigheid van gesondheidswerkers wat verantwoordelik is vir MIV voorligting en toetsing. Die studie is by drie werkplekke in die Masvingo stedelike distrik gedoen en daar kan uiteraard nie veralgemeen word ten opsigte van die bevindings nie. Resultate het aangetoon dat die kennisvlakke van gesondheidswerkers relatief hoog is; dat hulle gereeld vir toetsing en voorligting aanmeld en dat hulle weet waar sodanige dienste beskikbaar is. Daar word in die studie voorgestel dat daar volgehou word met in-diens opleiding van gesondheidswerkers en dat hierdie opleiding selfs opgeskerp word. Gesondheidswerkers behoort baie gereeld voorligting en toetsing te ondergaan sodat hulle eerstehands die voordele van voorligting en toetsing aan ander lede van die gemeenskap kan verduidelik en die noodsaaklikheid daarvan kan uitspel.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Public health personnel -- Zimbabwe -- Mavingo, HIV testing -- Zimbabwe -- Mavingo, HIV infections -- Diagnosis -- Zimbabwe -- Mavingo, HIV counselling -- Zimbabwe -- Mavingo, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Assignments -- HIV/AIDS management, HIV infections -- Zimbabwe -- Mavingo -- Prevention