The theological significance of the state in the thought of Paul Tillich and Arnold van Ruler

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AOSIS Publishing
This article looks at the importance of the state in the theologies of Paul Tillich and Arnold van Ruler. The state is the community in which both the individual and the community are actualised. It is also the institution that organises the life of the nation. The orientation of the state has a direct impact on the direction of human life. The state is the centre of power and justice in reality; it is the political core of history. The state also has the power to actualise itself according to the justice that it posits and in this process love is embedded as the ultimate criterion of justice. Love, power and justice are intimately related to the kingdom of God. The state, even the pagan state, thus performs the reuniting and saving work of God on earth.
Hierdie artikel behandel die belangrikheid van die staat in die teologie van Paul Tillich en Arnold van Ruler. Die staat is die gemeenskap waarin die individu en die gemeenskap verwerklik word; dit is ook die instelling wat die lewe van die volk organiseer. Die visie van die staat het ’n direkte uitwerking op die rigting van menslike lewe. Die staat is die kern van gesag en geregtigheid in die gemeenskap; dit is die politieke kern van geskiedenis. Die staat het ook die mag om himself te aktualiseer in ooreenstemming met sy geregtigheid. Liefde is die grondbeginsel van geregtigheid wat die staat moet beoefen. Daar is ’n intieme verhouding tussen die koninkryk van God en liefde, mag en geregtigheid. Die staat, ook die heidenstaat, doen dus die heilswerk van God op aarde.
CITATION: Hodnett, G. 2004. The theological significance of the state in the thought of Paul Tillich and Arnold van Ruler. In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi, 38,(1):63-84, doi: 10.4102/ids.v38i1.420.
The original publication is available at
Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965, Ruler, Arnold Albert van, 1908-1970
Hodnett, G. 2004. The theological significance of the state in the thought of Paul Tillich and Arnold van Ruler. In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi, 38,(1):63-84, doi: 10.4102/ids.v38i1.420.