'Remembering forward and hoping backward'? : some thoughts on women and the Dutch Reformed Church

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Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Theology
The paper explores current challenges and opportunities facing the Dutch Reformed Church with respect to a more inclusive (gender) ethos. It sets out by briefly describing major hermeneutical and societal shifts in South Africa during the past decades. Numerous structural changes, particularly with regard to the position of women, have been accomplished in the church and society. However, these have not always been accompanied by attitudinal and behavioural changes. On the level of a collective conciousness the scars of a deeply divided society still prevail. Serious and complex issues facing the church are described as essentially theological in nature. The DRC at present is envisioned as a vulnerable, liminal cite where a new dynamic may develop and where liberating and healing discourses may be fascilitated. In the process central aspects such as biblical authority, God language and liturgy need to be revisited and reclaimed as powerful resources for identity and moral transformation.
CITATION: Mouton, E. 2001. 'Remembering forward and hoping backward'? Some thoughts on women and the Dutch Reformed Church. Scriptura, 76:77-86, doi:10.7833/76-1-1184.
The original publication is available at http://scriptura.journals.ac.za
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk -- Clergy, Women in church work
Mouton, E. 2001. 'Remembering forward and hoping backward'? Some thoughts on women and the Dutch Reformed Church. Scriptura, 76:77-86, doi:10.7833/76-1-1184.