Treatment levels for citrus thrips, Scirtothrips aurantii (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), in mango orchards

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Field work was carried out at three different sites in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa to determine the correlation between the numbers of citrus thrips, Scirtothrlps aurantii, and the damage caused on mango. Adults of S. aurantiiwere monitored weekly by means of yellow sticky traps, while fruit was inspected visually and the number of adults and larvae recorded. Percentage fruit unacceptable lor export was determined at harvesting. Cumulative insect-days computed for S. aurantii on the traps and fruit were correlated with the percentage fruit showing lesions exceeding the level acceptable for export. The relationship between the number of S. aurantiion traps (cumulative insect-days) and the percentage fruit culled was described by Y 0 + 0.OO2X, while the number on fruit was described by Y = 0 + 0.21 Ox. To maintain the percentage culled fruit at a 5 % or lower level, producers should implement chemical intervention when the number of S. aurantii exceeds 2326 cumulative insect-days on traps, or 24 days on fruit.
CITATION: Grove, T., Giliomee, J. H. & Pringle, K. L. 2000. Treatment levels for citrus thrips, Scirtothrips aurantii (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), in mango orchards. African Plant Protection, 61).
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African Plant Protection