Shift scheduling for a maintenance workshop

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A big passenger transport company experienced problems with the utilization of their maintenance crews. Large amounts of overtime were logged, while at the same time a lot of idle time was experienced. This paper describes the development on a microcomputer of a Decision Support System (DSS) to improve their shift scheduling. Central to the DSS is a heuristic algorithm which generates shift schedules. This algorithm is easy to understand and provides good results, while it solves the real life problem rapidly on a microcomputer.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Groot passasiersvervoermaatokappy het probleme ondervind met die benutting van hulle onderhoudspersoneel. Baie oortyd is gewerk en terselfdertyd is baie ledige tyd opgeteken. Hierdie artikel beskryf die ontwikkeling op 'n mikrorekenaar van 'n Besluitnemingsondersteuningstelsel (BOS) om hulle skofteskedulering te verbeter. Die belangrikste element van die BOS is 'n heuristiese algoritme wat skofteskedules genereer. Hierdie algoritme is maklik om te verstaan en genereer goeie skedules. Terselfdertyd los dit die maatskappy se probleem vinnig op 'n mikrorekenaar op.
CITATION: Sinclair, M. & Muller, L. 1990. Shift scheduling for a maintenance workshop. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 4(1):18-29, doi:
The original publication is available at
Passenger transport -- Maintenance, Decision support systems, Microcomputers -- Programming, Shift systems
Sinclair, M. & Muller, L. 1990. Shift scheduling for a maintenance workshop. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 4(1): 18-29, doi: