Does the MRP logic work for finite capacity planning and operations scheduling?

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the past five years, MRP based systems have increasingly been criticized for their inability to reduce inventory levels, meet due dates and to plan at an operational level. This paper suggests that the actual reasons for these problems are some fundamental flaws in the MRP logic and its assumptions. The logic of the optimized Production Technology (OPT) is suggested as an alternative approach that addresses the limitations of MRP based systems.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die afgelope vyf jaar het kritiek teen MRP-gebaseerde sisteme toegeneem. Die kritiek is hoofsaaklik dat MRP-sisteme vooraadvlakke nie voldoende verminder nie; beplande datums nie haal nie en ook nie op In operasionele vlak beplan nie. Hierdie artikel wil voorstel dat die rede hiervoor fundamentele foute in die MRP logika en aannames is. Die logika van "optimized Production Technology" (OPT) word as alternatief voorgestel, aangesien dit die probleemareas in die MRP-logika aanspreek.
CITATION: Turner, V. K. & Pauw, J. C. H. 1992. Does the MRP logic work for finite capacity planning and operations scheduling?. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 5(2):35-49, doi:10.7166/5-2-417.
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MRP (Manufacturing), Flexible manufacturing systems, Manufacturing resource planning
Turner, V. K. & Pauw, J. C. H. 1992. Does the MRP logic work for finite capacity planning and operations scheduling?. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 5(2):35-49, doi:10.7166/5-2-417