Process capability studies in the pulp and paper industry

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In every manufacturing operation there is variability, and the variability becomes evident whenever a quality characteristic of the product is measured. The concepts of variability, capability and statistical process control are explained, and the various capability indices are briefly discussed. Since it is important to have a reliable measurement system before statistical process control can be implemented in a manufacturing system, some examples are given of ways to determine precision of measurement and inspector accuracy and reproducibility. Several case studies showing various procedures for the determination of process capability are presented, and other potential applications in future projects are outlined.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Variasie kom in elke vervaardigingsbedryf voor, en daardie variasie word elke keer wanneer 'n gehalte-eienskap van die produk gemeet word, te voorskyn gebring. Die begrippe variasie, prosesvermoë en statistiese prosesbeheer word verduidelik en die verskillende indekse van prosesvermoë word kortliks bespreek. Aangesien dit belangrik is om oor 'n betroubare meetsisteem te beskik alvorens statistiese prosesbeheer in die vervaardigingsbedryf toegepas kan word, word enkele voorbeelde gegee wat aantoon hoe noukeurigheid en akkuraatheid bepaal kan word. Verskeie gevallestudies wat die verskillende prosedures vir die bepaling van prosesvermoë illustreer, word aangebied. 'n Kort oorsig word gegee van ander moontlike toepassingsgebiede in die pulp en papier-industrie.
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 1991.