Riglyne vir geintegreerde gehooropleiding by klavieronderrig

Douglas, Bernita
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken after it was found that aural training is being neglected in general. The researcher wanted to explore a possible solution. Aural training integrated with piano training is regarded as a way of teaching that will grant aural training its rightful place in music education. A literature study was undertaken and personal interviews were held with eleven specialists in the field of music. It was found that a small amount of integration is taking place, but that a purposeful effort must be made to integrate aural training with piano training during the whole duration of a piano lesson. A theory, on·which integrated teaching is being based, was set up and guidelines for aural training integrated with piano training were given.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is onderneem omdat gehooropleiding in die algemeen afgeskeep word en die navorser ' n moontlike oplossing wou ondersoek. Geïntegreerde gehooropleiding by klavieronderrig word beskou as ' n onderwysmetode wat aan gehooropleiding sy regmatige plek in musiekonderrig sal verleen. 'n Literatuuroorsig is gedoen en persoonlike onderhoude is gevoer met elf gesaghebbendes op musiekgebied. Daar is vasgestel dat integrasie wel in ' n klein mate onbewustelik plaasvind, maar dat daar 'n doelbewuste poging aangewend moet word om gehooronderrig te alle tye tydens ' n klavierles te integreer. 'n Teorie waarop geïntegreerde onderwys gebaseer word, is opgestel en riglyne vir geïntegreerde gehooronderrig by klavieronderrig is ook gegee.
Thesis (MMus.) -- Stellenbosch University, 1990.
Dissertations -- Music