The efficacy of the MacArthur competence assessment tool for treatment decisions (MacCAT-T) to assess South African patients' abilities to give consent to treatment

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The efficacy of the MacCAT-T to assess the competency of South African patients to give consent to treatment was investigated with a group of hospitalised mentally-ill patients. Comparisons and correlations between MacCAT-T and clinical interviews (by clinicians and psychiatric nurses) indicate that the concurrent validity of the MacCAT-T is relatively high. The MacCAT-T thus appears to be an accurate indicator of competence to give consent to treatment. Clinicians in South Africa are likely to experience the MacCAT-T as a helpful guideline when making decisions concerning a patient's competency to give consent to treatment. The MacCAT-T was most accurate when conducted in a patient's home language. Before the MacCAT-T can be used optimally in South Africa, standardised translations of this assessment tool are essential. Although there is a significant association between education and competence to give consent to treatment, the MacCAT-T does not appear to be too advanced for the South African population. There was a significant association between legal status and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), and competency to give consent to treatment. Voluntary patients with higher GAF scores were more likely to be judged competent. Clinicians are thus encouraged to be aware of the numerous factors that may affect the assessment of competence to give consent to treatment.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doeltreffendherd van die MacCAT-T om die bevoegdheid van Suid Afrikaanse pasiënte om toestemming te gee tot behandeling, te evalueer, was met 'n groep gehospitaliseerde, sielkundig versteurde pasiënte ondersoek. Vergelykings en korrelasies tussen die MacCAT-T en kliniese onderhoude (deur klinici en psigiatriese verpleegsters) dui aan dat die saamvallende geldigheid van die MacCAT-T relatief hoog is. Dit wil dus voorkom asof die MacCAT-T 'n akkurate aanduider is van bevoegdheid om toestemming te gee tot behandeling. Vir klinici in Suid Afrika, behoort die MacCAT-T 'n nuttige hulpmiddel te wees vir die evaluering van pasiënte se bevoegdheid om toestemming te gee tot behandeling. Die MacCAT-T was die akkuraatste wanneer dit in die persoon se huistaal uitgevoer was. Voordat die MacCA T-T optimaal in Suid Afrika gebruik kan word, is gestandaardiseerde vertalings van hierdie meetinstrument in ander tale noodsaaklik. Alhoewel daar 'n beduidende verband gevind is tussen vlak van opvoeding en bevoegdheid om toestemming te gee tot behandeling, behoort die MacCAT-T nie te gevorderd vir die Suid Afrikaanse bevolking te wees nie. Daar was 'n beduidende verband tussen wettige status en "Global Assessment of Functioning" (GAF), en bevoegdheid om toestemming te gee vir behandeling. Vrywillige pasiënte met hoër GAF tellings was meer geneig om bevoegd te wees. Dit is dus belangrik dat klinici bewus sal wees van die verskeidenheid van faktore wat in ag geneem behoort te word by die evaluering van bevoegdheid om toestemming te gee tot behandeling.
Thesis (M.A.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1997.
Therapeutics -- Decision-making, Informed consent (Medical law), Care of the sick -- Decision making, Patient compliance, Dissertations -- Psychology, UCTD