Design optimisation of cageless flux barrier rotor reluctance synchronous machine

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this thesis is on the overall (stator and rotor) design optimisation of the current vector-controlled reluctance synchronous machine and the evaluation of the steady-state performance of this machine in motoring operation. The rotor considered is the cageless normal laminated flux barriertype of rotor. The absolute optimum-designed electrical machine can at best be obtained by using the finite element method in the design optimisation process. This thesis proposes a multidimensional finite element-based design optimisation method for the optimum design of the reluctance synchronous machine. The thesis stresses the explanation and understanding of the optimum-designed reluctance machine. A simple approximate magnetic circuit calculation method is used to show and explain design tendencies and to do preliminary stator design optimisations. Goodness factors for the reluctance synchronous machine are also derived. The optimised results of a number of reluctance synchronous machines that are designed according different criteria in the 3 - 10 kW power range are given and explained. A great deal of attention is also given to the performance capability of the reluctance: synchronous machine in the medium power range (sub 500 kW). The thesis shows that the proposed optimisation method can be applied with success to optimise the design of the reluctance synchronous machine. The optimum steady-state performance of the reluctance synchronous machine found in this study shows that this machine can no longer be considered as a bad machine. Although the power factor of this machine is still on the low side, the advantages of high power density and high efficiency, even in the upper-medium power range, are attractive characteristics for any variable speed drive.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie tesis is op die totale (stator en rotor) ontwerp-optimering van die stroom vektor beheerde reluktansie sinchroonmasjien en die evaluering van die bestendige toestand vermoë van hierdie masjien in motorwerking. Die tipe rotor onder beskouing is die koulose, normaal gelamelleerde vloedbarriere tipe rotor. Die absoluut optimum ontwerpte elektriese masjien kan op sy beste verkry word deur die eindige element metode in die ontwerp-optimeringsproses te gebruik. Hierdie tesis stel 'n multidimensionele eindige element gebaseerde optimeringsmetode voor vir die optimum ontwerp van die reluktansie sinchroonmasjien. Die tesis le nadruk op die verduideliking en verstaan van die optimum ontwerpte reluktansiemasjien. 'n Eenvoudige benaderde magnetiese stroombaan berekeningsmetode is gebruik om ontwerp tendense te verduidelik en om voorlopige stator-ontwerpe te doen. Goedheidsfaktore is ook vir die reluktansie sinchroonmasjien afgelei. Die geoptimeerde resultate van 'n aantal reluktansie sinchroonmasjiene wat volgens verskillende kriteria in die 3 - 10 kW drywingsgebied ontwerp is, word gegee en verduidelik. Heelwat aandag word ook gegee aan die vermoë van die reluktansiemasjien in die medium drywingsgebied (sub 500 kW). Die tesis toon dat die voorgestelde optimeringsmetode met sukses toegepas kan word om die ontwerp van die reluktansie sinchroonmasjien te optimeer. Die optimum bestendige toestand vermoë van die reluktansie sinchroonmasjien wat in hierdie studie gevind is, toon dat die masjien nie langer meer as 'n swak masjien beskou kan word nie. Alhoewel die arbeidsfaktor van die masjien nog steeds aan die lae kant is, is die voordele van hoë drywingsdigtheid en hoë benuttingsgraad, selfs in die boonste medium drywingsgebied. aantreklike karakteristieke vir enige veranderlike spoed aandryfstelsel.
Dissertation (Ph. D.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1996.
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Reluctance motors, Electric machinery, Synchronous, Electric motors, Synchronous, Rotors, Finite element method, Vector control, Dissertations -- Electrical engineering