Optimal management of MPLS networks

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a routing technology which can manage Quality of Service (QoS) in scalable connectionless networks using relatively simple packet forwarding mechanisms. This thesis considers the optimisation of the QoS offered by an MPLS network. The QoS measure used is the expected packet delay which is minimised by switching packets along optimal label switched paths (LSPs). Two mathematical models of MPLS networks are presented together with appropriate algorithms for optimally dividing the network traffic into forwarding equivalence classes (FECs), finding optimal LSPs which minimise the expected packet delay and switching these FECs along the optimal LSPs. These algorithms are applied to compute optimal LSPs for several test networks. The mathematics on which these algorithms are based is also reviewed. This thesis provides the MPLS network operator with efficient packet routing algorithms for optimising the network's QoS.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is 'n roeteringsmetode om die diensvlak (QoS) van 'n skaleerbare, verbindinglose netwerk te bestuur deur middel van relatief eenvoudige versendingsmeganismes. Hierdie tesis beskou die optimering van die QoS van 'n MPLS-netwerk. Die QoS-maatstaf is die verwagte vert raging van 'n netwerk-pakkie. Dit word geminimeer deur pakkies langs optimale "label switched paths" (LSPs) te stuur. Twee wiskundige modelle van MPLS-netwerke word ondersoek. Toepaslike algoritmes word verskaf vir die optimale verdeling van die netwerkverkeer in "forwarding equivalence classes" (FECs), die soektog na optimale LSPs (wat die verwagte pakkie-vertraging minimeer) en die stuur van die FECs langs die optimale LSPs. Hierdie algoritmes word ingespan om optimale LSPs vir verskeie toetsnetwerke op te stel. Die wiskundige teorie waarop hierdie algoritmes gegrond is, word ook hersien. Hierdie tesis verskaf doeltreffende roeteringsalgoritmes waarmee 'n MPLS-netwerkbestuurderj-es die netwerk se QoS kan optimeer.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
Computer networks -- Standards, MPLS standard, Dissertations -- Computer science, Theses -- Computer science, Dissertations -- Mathematical sciences, Theses -- Mathematical sciences