Die verband tussen lokus van beheer en werkstevredenheid van werknemers in 'n opleidingsentrum

De Vries, J. C.
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Work is seen as an integral part of the existence of human beings. Workers' full potential is needed on every level in organisations. Job dissatisfaction is often 1inked to behavioural patterns such as employees not being punctual and being conspicuous by their absence, high labour turnover and aggression; whilst job satisfaction is reflected in the positive behavioura1 patterns and attitude towards the organisation. Organisations in the competitive market benefit greatly if its employees' job satisfaction is increased. Recent research has indicated that factors within an individual (dispositional factors) do influence job-related outcomes. In the current study attention is given to the possible relationship between a dispositional factor (locus of control) and job satisfaction. The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between locus of control and job satisfaction of emptoyees in a training centre. The literature study focused on conceptualising locus of control and job satisfaction and the relationship between locus of control and job satisfaction. A survey design was used to test the hypotheses of the research. Each individual in the subject group was tested on two variables simultaneously and the connection between the measurements that were obtained, was established. The survey group consisted of 76 employees from a training centre. Two questionnaires were used in this research, name1y the Locus of Control questionnaire and the Minnesota Satisfaction questionnaire. ·With regard to the level of job satisfaction of employees in the training centre, the employees indicated dissatisfaction with regard to opportunities for promotion, authority, company policy, the remuneration that they receive, social status as we" as acknowledgement. Job satisfaction is experienced with regard to moral values, social service, working conditions, performance and activity. The empirical study indicated correlations between sub-scales of job satisfaction and locus of control of empoyees. The main objective of this study was successfully achieved. Conclusions and recommendations for further research were made based on the results of the study.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verband tussen 101<us van beheer en werkstevredenheid in -In opleidingsentrum. Werk word as 'n onontbeerlike aspek en 'n noodsaaklike deel van die mens se totale bestaan en voortbestaan beskou. Werknemers se volle potensiaal word op alle vlakke binne organisasies benodig. Gedragspatrone soos 'n gebrek aan stiptelikheid, hoë arbeidsomset, afwesigheid en aggressie hou verband met werksontevredenheid, terwyl werkstevredenheid 'n invloed uitoefen op die algemene gedragspatrone wat 'n positiewe organisasie-oriëntasie aandui. Organisasies in markgerigte mededinging kan daarby baat indien werknemers se tevredenheidsvlakke verhoog word. 'Resente navorsing het bevind dat faktore binne die individu (disposisionele faktore) werksverwante uitkomstes beïnvloed. In die huidige navorsing val die klem op die moontlike verband tussen 'n disposisione1efaktor (lokus van beheer) en werkstevredenheid. Die doelstelling van hierdie navorsing is om te bepaal of daar 'n verband tussen lokus van beheer en werkstevredenheid van werknemers in 'n opleidingsentrum bestaan. In die literatuurstudie is gefokus op die konseptualisering van werkstevredenheid en lokus van beheer asook die verband tussen lokus van beheer en werkstevredenheid. 'n Opname-ontwerp is gebruik om die hipoteses van die navorsing te toets. Elke individu in die ondersoekgroep is op twee veranderlikes op dieselfde tydstip gemeet, en die verband tussen hierdie verkreë metings is bepaa1. Die ondersoekgroep het uit 76 werknemers in 'n opleidingsentrum bestaan. Twee vraelyste is in hierdie studie gebruik, naamlik die lokus van Beheervraelys en die Minnesota Tevredenheidsvraelys. Die resultate toon aan dat werknemers in die opleidingsentrum werksontevredenheid ervaar ten opsigte van bevorderingsgeleenthede, outoriteit, maatskappybeleid, vergoeding, sosiale status asook erkenning. Werkstevredenheid word ervaar ten opsigte van morele waardes, sosiale diens, fisiese werksomstandighede, prestasie en 1aastens die ge1eentheid om te al1etye besig te bly. Die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek toon verder dat daar wel 'n verband bestaan tussen subskale van werkstevredenheid en 'n werknemer se lokus van beheer. Die betanqrikste doelstellings van hierdie studie is suksesvol bereik. Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word op grond van die resultate van die ondersoek gemaak.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
Job satisfaction, Locus of control, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology