Culture and gender in Mayosi's Iqhina Lomtshato

Rawana, Thelma Nontathu
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The issues of culture and gender are not a well researched subject in Xhosa literature. So far there is one doctoral research study by Mtuze (1990) conducted on prose works of 1909 - 1980. This study aims to investigate culture and gender in Mayasi's novel, Iqhina lomtshato (1995). The main reason for this research is that Xhosa culture has been viewed in literature to be patriarchal, which means that it is organised in such a way that it depicts male domination. Women on the other hand are being regarded as inferior or subordinate. Findings in this research are that the character Sindiswa is presented here as a victim of male domination and oppression when she is forced into a relationship without her consent. The fact that Max, who is a much older man and unsuitable as her lover, leaves her with no choice but to accept what we may call "his induced proposal" of love. Sindiswa's oppression is also intensified by the urban culture that is new to her.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vraagstukke rakende kultuur en gender is tot nog nie goed ondersoek vir die Xhosa letterkunde nie. Tot dusver is daar een studie, deur Mtuze (1990), wat gedoen is oor prosawerke in Xhosa vanaf 1909-1980. Hierdie studie het as doelstelling die ondersoek van die verband en aard tussen kultuur en gender in Mayosi se novelle Iqhina lomtshato (1995). Die doelstelling van die navorsing is dat Xhosa kultuur dikwels in die letterkunde as patriargaal uitgebeeld is, met ander woorde, dit is op 'n wyse uitgebeeld wat manlike dominering weergee terwyl vroue as ondergeskik of minderwaardig weergegee word. Bevindinge van die studie is dat die karakter Sindiswa hier uitgebeeld word as 'n slagoffer van manlike dominering en verdrukking wanneer sy ingedwing word in 'n verhouding sonder haar toestemming. die feit dat Max 'n veelouer man as sy is wat ongeskik is om haar geliefde te wees, laat haar met geen keuse as om sy 'gedwonge huweliksvoorstel' te aanvaar nie. Sindiswa se onderdrukking word ook vergroot deur die stedelike kultuur wat nuut is vir haar.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
Mayosi, Nomlamli -- Criticism and interpretation, Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism, Gender identity in literature, Culture in literature