Faktore wat veerkragtigheid in enkelouergesinne bevorder

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present study focuses on the salutogenic properties of families and attempted to identify factors that promote resilience in post-divorce families. McCubbin and Patterson's (1983) double ABCX model explains how families adapt to crises (divorce), and takes into account other life events that also impact on the family's resources. A cross-sectional research design was chosen to identify factors related to family resilience. The 98 participating families were identified on the grounds of the nature of the crisis and the developmental phase of the family. Self-report questionnaires were completed by the parent and a child acting as representatives of the family. These questionnaires consisted of a biographical questionnaire, the Relative and Friend Support Index, the Social Support Index, Family Crises Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales, Family Sense of Coherence Scale, and the Family Hardiness Index. Intra-family support, support of the extended family, support of friends, religion, open communication amongst family members, and work- and financial security were identified as factors promoting resilience in these post-divorce families.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op salutogenetiese eienskappe van gesinne en poog am faktore wat verband hou met veerkragtigheid in enkelouergesinne te identifiseer. McCubbin en Patterson (1983) se dubbele ABCX-model verduidelik gesinne se aanpassing na 'n krisis (egskeiding) en neem oak ander lewensgebeure in ag wat terselfdertyd op die gesin se hulpbranne begin staatmaak. 'n Dwarssnit navorsingsontwerp is gebruik am faktore te identifiseer en te beskryf wat met gesinsveerkragtigheid verband hou. Die 98 gesinne wat aan hierdie ondersoek deelgeneem het, is ge"ldentifiseer op grand van die aard van die krisis en ontwikkelingstadium van die gesinne. Selfrapporteringsvraelyste is deur die ouer en In kind, as verteenwoordigers van die gesin, voltooi. Die vraelyste het bestaan uit 'n biografiese vraelys (wat oak 'n oopend vraag ingesluit het), Relative and Friend Support Index, Social Support Index; Family Crises Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales, Family Sense of Coherence Scale, en die Family Hardiness Index. Intra- gesinsondersteuning, ondersteuning deur die uitgebreide familie, ondersteuning van vriende, geloof, oop kommunikasie onder gesinslede, positiewe gesindheid rakend hulle toekoms, en finansiele- en werksekuritiet, is ge"ldentifiseer as faktore wat bydra tot veerkragtigheid in enkelouergesinne.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.
Resilience (Personality trait), Single-parent families, Dissertations -- Psychology, Theses -- Psychology