A pragmatic analysis of complimenting in Xhosa

Adonis, Nomangwevu
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the speech acts of complimenting in Xhosa. It is divided into five chapters, which are arranged as follows: Chapter 1 states the aims of the study. The method, design and the organization of the study are also investigated. Chapter 2, the speech act theory and the politeness theory have been dealt with. These theories included the basic assumptions of this study. Chapter 3 deals with compliments and compliment responses as they are discussed with regard to various languages, i.e. the works of Wolfson and Manes (1980), Wolfson (1983), Manes (1983), Holmes (1988) and Herbert (1990). Chapter 4 deals with compliments and compliment responses in Xhosa. In this chapter the compliments have been divided into three social groups, namely males and females; friends and people of unequal status. The people of unequal status are divided into two sub-groups, people with superior status and lower status. In Xhosa people of lower and high status do compliment one another. Also Xhosa males and females; friends and people of unequal status tend to compliment one another. The most common compliments concentrate on appearance, ability and possession. In some cases the compliments are used to a way of encouragement and showing of appreciation. People who are being complimented tend to respond to the compliment. The response can be positive or negative. The person who is complimented can agree or disagree with the compliment. The response depends on how he/she feels about the compliment. Chapter 5 is the last chapter of this study. It represents the conclusion in which the main findings in the study are summarized.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die spraakhandeling van komplimentering in Xhosa. Die studie is in vyf hoofstukke ingedeel wat soos volg georganiseer is. Hoofstuk 1 bespreek die doelstellings, die navorsingsontwerp en -metode, en die organisasie van die studie. Hoofstuk 2 bied 'n bespreking van die terme van spraakhandelinge en beleefdheidsteorie. Hierdie teorieë is van belang vir die basiese vraagstukke wat in die studie ondersoek word. Hoofstuk 3 bied 'n oorsig van vorige navorsing oor die spraakhandeling van komplimente en komplimentresponse soos ondersoek met betrekking tot verskillende tale. Die navorsing van Manes (1980), Holmes (1988), Herbert (1990) en Wolfson (1983). Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek die spraakhandeling van komplimente en komplimentresponse in Xhosa. In hierdie hoofstuk is die spraakhandeling van komplimente en komplimentresponse onderneem met betrekking tot drie sosiale groeperinge, naamlik tussen manlike en vroulike persone, tussen vriende, en tussen persone van ongelyke status. Laasgenoemde groep is verder verdeel in terme van twee sub-groepe, naamlik: persone met hoër en laer status, respektewelik. In Xhosa diskoers, komplimenteer persone van hoër en laer status mekaar. Voorts komplimenteer manlike en vroulike persone, vriende, en mense van ongelyke status mekaar in Xhosa. Die mees algemene komplimente hou verband met voorkom, vermoëns, en besittings. In sommige gevalle word komplimente gebruik as 'n wyse van aanmoediging of waardering. Die studie bied evidensie uit Xhosa dat mense wat gekomplimenteer word, neig om te reageer op die kompliment. Hierdie respons kan positief of negatief wees. Die persoon wat gekomplimenteer word kan saamstem of verskil met die kompliment. Hierdie reaksie word bepaal deur hoe die hoorder voeloor die kompliment. Hoofstuk 5 is die laaste hoofstuk van die studie. Dit bied die gevolgtrekking van die navorsing oor die spraakhandeling van komplimentering in Xhosa en gee 'n opsomming van die hoofbevindinge.
ISIHWANKATHELO: Esi sifundo siphononga izenzo ntetho zoncomo esiXhoseni. Sahlulwe saba zizahluko ezintlanu ezicwangciswe ngolu hlobo: Isahluko sokuqala sichaza iinjongo zesi sifundo. Kukwaqwalaselwe, indiela, isicwangciso kunye noluhlu Iwesi sifundo. Isahluko sesibini sixusha ithiyori yesenzo ntetho kunye nethiyori yentetho echubekileyo. Ezi thiyori zibandakanye imiba engundoqo yesi sifundo. Isahluko sesithathu siqwalasela izincomo kunye neempendulo zezincomo njengoko zichazwa kwezinye iilwini, oko kukuthi, imisebenzi ka Wolfson no Manes (1980), Wolfson (1983); Manes (1983); Holmes (1988); no Herbert (1990). Isahluko sesine siqwalasela izincomo kunye neempendulo zezincomo esiXhoseni. Kwesi sahluko izincomo zohlulwe zaba zindidi ezintathu: amadoda nabafazi; izihlobo; abantu abanamawonga angalinganiya. Abantu abanamawonga angalinganiyo bohlulwe bangamaqela amabini: abantu abanamawonga aphezulu kunye nabo banamawonga asezantsi. EsiXhoseni abantu abanamawonga aphezula kwakunye nabo banamawonga asezantsi bathi bancomane omnye nomnye. Kwakhona esiXhoseni amadoda nabantu ababhinqileyo, izihlobo kunye nabantu abanamawonga angalinganiyo badla ngokuncomana. Ezona zincomo zibalaseleyo zezo ziquka imbonakalo, ingqondo kunye nobumnini. Kwezinye iziganeko izincomo zisetyenziswa njengendlela yokukhuthaza kunye nokubonisa ixabiso. Abantu abanconywayo badla ngokuphendula isincomo eso. Impendulo yesincomo isenokuba yeyakhayo okonye engakhiyo. Umntu onconywayo usenokuvumelana okanye angavumelani nesincomo. Impendulo yakhe ixhomekeke ukubeni uziva njani na ngesincomo eso. Kwesi sifundo, isahluko sesihlanu sesokugqibela kulapho kuchazwa khona izigqibo ekufikelelwe kuzo nezithe zashwankathelwa.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.
Xhosa language -- Spoken Xhosa, Xhosa language -- Usage, Grammar, Comparative and general, Dissertations -- Xhosa language, Theses -- Xhosa language