An electro-optic measurement system for electric fields near RF and microwave radiators and scatterers

Tait, Jan
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An electro-optic sensor system was developed which uses the modulated scatterer technique [1] to measure the fine structure-amplitude and phase-of electric fields with the minimum of perturbation. The theory for the technique is discussed in detail, with the Lorentz Reciprocity theorem as foundation. The system is also treated as a general two port and solved in terms of the impedances present. This comprises self impedances and mutual impedances. The signals scattered by the dipole scatterer are modeled as amplitude modulated signals and a detailed detection scheme is presented. The detection of the signals is done by a digital correlation process. This is quite similar to synchronous detection. A detailed sensitivity analysis is presented that was used to determine the quality of the system. This analysis is backed by a practical sensitivity measurement. A few antennas and scatterers are measured in the X-band using the system, and results are compared with theory. These systems include a pyramidal horn, an E-plane sectoral horn and a simple waveguide. Half plane diffraction by a metal sheet is also presented. The practical implementation of the theory is emphasized.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Elektro-optiese meetsisteem is ontwikkel wat die gemoduleerde strooier tegniek [11 gebruik om die fyn struktuur-amplitude en fase-van elektriese velde te meet. Hierdie tegniek versteur die velde minimaal. 'n Volledige ondersoek word gedoen na die teorie van die stelsel. Die basis van die metode Ie in die Lorentz Resiprook teorie. Alhoewcl daar gekonsentreer word op hierdie teorie, is die stelsel ook beskou as 'n tweepoort. Die wedersydse en ei impedansies van die verskillende komponente word gebruik om die velde op te los. Die gestrooide seine, as gevolg van die dipool strooier, word gemodelleer met b hulp van amplitude modulasie. Die deteksie van hierdie seine word deeglik bespreek. In plaas van 'n analoogstelsel, word 'n digitale korrellasie proses gebruik om die velde te meet. Di sensitiwiteit van die stelsel word geanaliseer. Verder word metings met di stelsel gen em om die teoretiese analise te staaf. 'n Paar X-band sisteme word gebruik om metings te neem. Hicrdi metings word ook vergelyk met teor ti se resultate. Stelsels wat gemeet is sluit die volgencle in: 'n piramidale horing antenna, 'n E-vlak sektorale horing antenna, 'n X-band golfgeleier en die diffraksi op die rand van 'n plaat. Die praktiese implemcntering van die teorie word beklemtoon.
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.
Antennas (Electronics), Geometrical diffraction, Microwave antennas, Electric fields -- Measurement, Dissertations -- Electrical and electronic engineering, Theses -- Electrical and electronic engineering