The fractionation and characterisation of lipid foulants adsorbed onto ultrafiltration membranes during contact with abattoir effluent

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: IN THIS STUDY: 1. Lipids present in abattoir effluent, as well as lipids that adsorbed onto UF membranes during contact with abattoir effluent, were separated chromatographically. The four major lipid classes were identified and quantified. The lipid classes present were, triglycerides, free and total cholesterol and phospholipids. 2. Using results obtained from the characterisation studies, various lipases and phospholipase A21 were incorporated in existing membrane cleaning regimes. The cleaning efficiency of each enzyme was determined by the amount of lipids removed from fouled PSM. All three lipases used were effective in removing adsorbed lipids, although their efficiency in removing specific lipid types varied. 3. The effect of membrane pre-treatment with detergents such as Triton® X- 100, Tween® 20 and Pluronics® F1 08, on the adsorption of lipid foulants onto UF membranes fouled in abattoir effluent, was investigated. It was found that membrane pre-treatment with each detergent had a different effect on lipid adsorption. Pre-coating with Triton® X-1 00 was the most effective method to reduce the adsorption of all the lipid types investigated. A spectrophotometric method was also developed to determine the amount of Pluronic® F1 08 in a solution. This could prove to be very useful in future studies.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: IN HIERDIE STUDIE IS: 1. Lipiede wat voorkom in abattoir afvalwater, sowel as /ipiede wat adsorbeer aan ultrafiltrasie membrane tydens kontak met abattoir afvalwater, is chromatografies gefraksioneer. Vier /ipied klasse is geidentifiseer en gekwantifiseer. Die lipiede teenwoordig was, triglisieriede, cholesterol esters en vry cholesterol, en fosfolipiede. 2. Met resultate verkry vanaf kwantifiseringstudies, is verskeie lipases asook fosfolipase A2 in bestaande membraan skoonmaak prosedures inkorporeer. Die skoonmaak vermoe van elke ensiem is bepaal deur die hoeveelheid lipiede wat vanaf die polisulfoon membraan verwyder kan word. Alhoewel al drie ensieme wat getoets was, suksesvol was vir lipiedverwydering vanaf die membraanoppervlak, het hulle verskil ten opsigte van hulle aktiwiteit met die verskillende lipiede bespreek. 3. Die effek wat voorafbehandeling van die membrane met detergente soos Triton® X-100, Tween® 20 en Pluronics® F108 op die adsorpsie van lipiede aan membrane bevuil in abattoir afvalwater het, is ook ondersoek. Dit was bevind dat elke detergent aanleiding gee tot 'n verskillende effek op die adsorpsie van die verskillende lipiede. Voorafbehandeling van ultrafiltrasie membrane met Triton® X-100 was die mees effektiewe metode om die adsorpsie van aile lipiede aan die membraanoppervlak te verminder. 'n Spektrofotometriese metode was ook ontwikkel om Pluronic® F108 in 'n oplossing te meet. Dit kan van groot hulp wees in toekomstige studies.
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Membrane lipids, Enzymes -- Industrial applications, Animal waste -- Management, Water -- Purification -- Membrane filtration, Water -- Purification -- Organic compounds removal, Dissertations -- Biochemistry