Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) facilitating rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) in the treatment of test anxiety

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recent research in psychotherapy reflects the development of a pragmatic eclecticism. This new eclecticism also fits into the growing perception that relevant aspects of different schools of thought can be brought together to develop more balanced, holistic scientific models of psychoth~rapy. The purpose of this study was to determine whether an eclectic psychotherapeutic approach, combining Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REST) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), would lead to a more effective therapy for the treatment of test anxiety than Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) alone. A group of six undergraduate university students receiving only REST, was compared to a similar group of students that received a combination of REST and EMDR, as well as to a control group of six students. Five group sessions of REST as well as one individual session of REST or EMDR were presented over a period of three weeks. The level of test anxiety, the dependant variable of this study, was measured before and after the respective psychotherapeutic interventions, as well as at follow-up. As an outcome measure of the in vivo levels of test anxiety of the participants in the two treatment groups, a theoretical test of the REST rationale was also administered. The REST treatment and the combination of REST and EMDR treatment both succeeded in significantly reducing test anxiety. The results of the combined treatment however, were not significantly better than that of the REST group. There was a statistical tendency to a greater reduction in test anxiety with the REST treatment alone, than with the REST and EMDR combined.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onlangse navorsing in psigoterapie reflekteer die ontwikkeling van 'n pragmatiese eklektisisme. Die nuwe eklektisisme pas in die groeiende persepsie dat relevante aspekte van verskillende denkskole saamgevat moet word om meer gebalanseerde, holistiese wetenskaplike modelle van psigoterapie daar te stel. Die doelstelling van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of 'n eklektiese psigoterapeutiese benadering, wat Rasioneel Emotiewe Gedrags Terapie (REST) en Oogbeweging Desensitisasie en Herprosessering (EMDR) kombineer, meer effektief is in die behandeling van toetsangs as wanneer Rasioneel Emotiewe Gedrags Terapie (REST) alleen aangebied word. 'n Groep van ses voorgraadse universiteitstudente wat slegs REST ontvang het, is vergelyk met 'n soortgelyke groep wat beide REST en EMDR ontvang het, sowel as met 'n kontrole groep van ses studente. Vyf groepsessies van REST, sowel as een individuele sessie van REST of EMDR is oor 'n tydperk van drie weke aangebied. Die mate van toetsangs, die afhanklike veranderlike van die studie, is voor en na die psigoterapeutiese intervensies, sowel as met 'n opvolgmeting bepaal. As 'n uitkomsmeting van die mate van toetsangs wat in vivo voorkom, is 'n kennistoets van die REST rasionaal ook afgeneem. Die REST behandeling alleen en die kombinasie van REST en EMDR het beide aanleiding gegee tot 'n betekenisvolle afname in die toetsangs. Die resultate van die gekombineerde behandeling was egter nie betekenisvol beter as die resultate wat verkry is waar die REST alleen aangebied is nie. Daar was wel statistiese aanduidings dat die REST benadering alleen tot grater vermindering in die vlak van toetsangs aanleiding gegee het as die kombinasie van REST en EMDR.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1998.
Rational emotive behavior therapy, Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, Psychology, Test anxiety -- Treatment