Synthesis and electrochemistry of biodegradable ligands - iminodiglutaric acid and iminoglutaricsuccinic acid - and their complexes with selected metal ions (Zn²⁺, Cd²⁺, Cu²⁺)

Yohannes Desta, Yonas
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two new potentially biodegradable aminopolycarboxylic acid ligands, iminodiglutaric acid tetra sodium salt (IDG-4Na) and iminoglutaricsuccinic acid tetra sodium salt (IGS- 4Na), were synthesized in reasonably good yield and purity. The commercially unavailable precursor for the two ligands, ethyl p-aminoglutarate, was synthesised in high yield and purity, and together with the two ligands were fully characterized by means of melting point measurements and various spectrometric techniques CH-NMR, 13C-NMR, MS and IR). For the first time, an electrochemical study has been conducted on the complexes of these ligands with selected transition metal ions (Zn2+, Cu2+ and Cd2+). An electrochemical technique, cyclic voltammetry (CV), was utilized on the study of the complexing ability of the ligands to the selected metal ions. An electrochemical cell comprising three electrodes was employed: thin film mercury coated carbon microelectrode was used as the working electrode, a Platinum wire as the auxiliary electrode, and a Ag/AgCI as the reference electrode. CV has been used and proven to offer a convenient route towards the determination of metal-ligand complex stability constants in aqueous media". The values of the logarithms of the metal-ligand formation constants obtained by this technique, when compared with other widely used aminopolycarboxylic acids (APCAs), show better complexing ability of the ligands with the transition metal ions. When the two ligands are compared, IGS showed greater affinity towards the selected transition metal ions. This is due to the fact that, in aqueous media, as the side chain ligators decrease, the stabilization energy of the complex increases. The formation stability constants were determined by plotting the change in the reduction potential (ΔE) against solution pH. A process making use of a modification of lingane equation was used.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twee nuwe potensieel bio-afbreekbare amienpolikarboksielsuurligande, iminobiglutaarsuur -tetranatriumsout (IBG-4Na) en iminoglutaarsuksiensuurtetranatriumsout (IGS-4Na), was vervaardig met redelike goeie opbrengs en suiwerheid. Die kommersïeel onverkrygbare voorloper van die twee ligande, etiel-B-aminoglutaraat, was berei met hoë obrengs en suiwerheid, en was saam met die twee ligande ten volle geïdentifiseer deur middel van smeltpunt bepalings en verskeie spektrometriese tegnieke CH-KMR, 13C-KMR, MS en IR.). Vir die eerste keer is 'n elektrochemiese studie uitgevoer op die komplekse van hierdie ligande met selektiewe oorgangsmetaalione (Zn2+, Cu2+, en Cd2+). 'n Elektrochemiese tegniek, sikliese voltametrie (SV), is gebruik om die komplekseringsvermoë van die ligande ten opsigte van die geselekteeerdr metaalione te bestudeer. 'n Elektrochemiese sel wat bestaan uit drie elektrodes is gebruik: 'n Dunlaag kwikelektrode bedek met koolstof is gebruik as die werkselektrode, 'n platinumdraad as die bykomende elektrode en 'n Ag/AgCI elektrode as die verwysingselektrode. SV is voorheen gebruik en bewys as 'n gerieflike metode vir die bepaling van metaalligandkompleksstabiliteitskonstantes in waterige media'. Die waardes van die logaritmes van die metaalligandvormingskonstantes wat verkry word deur hierdie tegniek, soos vergelyk met ander algemeen gebruikte amienpolikarboksielsure (APKSe), vertoon beter komplekseringsvermoë met die ligande deur middel van die oorgangsmetaalione. Wanneer die twee ligande met mekaar vergelyk word, het IGS-4Na groter affiniteit gehad vir die oorgangsmetaalione. Dit is as gevolg van die feit dat die stabiliteitsenergie van die kompleks in waterige media verminder word soos wat die sykettings van die ligande toeneem. Die vormingstabilitietskonstantes was bepaal deur 'n varandering in reduksie potensiaal (ΔE) teenoor die pH van die oplossings te plot. Die grafieke is verkry deur 'n aanpassing van die Lingnane-vergelyking te gebruik.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Ligands -- Synthesis, Ions, Metal complexes, Complex compounds, Complex compounds -- Synthesis, Electrochemistry, Dissertations -- Chemistry, Theses -- Chemistry