Software architecture design of a software defined radio system

Cronje, Johannes Jacobus
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The high pace of technological advancement enables the realisation of ever more advanced mobile communications standards with more functionality than simple voice communications. The hardware that is used to implement the radio sections of these systems generally require long design cycles, much longer than the design cycles of the other components of a communications system. Another problem is that, once new communications standards are introduced, the current hardware platforms used in the terminal equipment becomes obsolete because they can generally not be used with the new standards. This has serious cost implications for both the service provider and the consumer, because both parties have to acquire new equipment to be able to use the new standards. An elegant solution to the above issues is to use software-defined radio sections to replace the hardware radio components. New communications standards can then be supported by simply loading new software onto the equipment, provided the maximum processing capacity of the processor(s) that the software runs on can accommodate the bandwidth requirements of that specific standard. This thesis investigates the ideas behind software defined radio and also describes the design and implementation of a software architecture that can be used to implement software defined radios on general-purpose platforms such as personal computers.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoë tempo van tegnologiese vordering maak dit moontlik om baie gevorderde mobiele kommunikasie standaarde te implementeer wat meer funksionaliteit bied as blote spraakkommunikasie. Die hardeware wat gebruik word om die radios van sulke stelsels te implementeer neem gewoonlik langer om te ontwikkel as die ander komponente van die stelsels. Die ander probleem is dat hierdie hardeware gewoonlik nie hergebruik kan word wanneer nuwe kommunikasie standaarde in gebruik geneem word nie omdat die standaarde nie versoenbaar is nie. Dit het tot gevolg dat beide die verbruiker en die diensverskaffer groot bedrae geld moet spandeer om die nuwe tegnologie te kan gebruik. 'n Elegante oplossing vir hierdie probleme is om gebruik te maak van radios waarvan die funksionaliteit in sagteware gedefiniëer word. Nuwe kommunikasie standaarde kan dan gebruik word deur slegs die nodige sagteware op die toerusting te laai, solank die verwerkingskapasiteit van die mikroverwerkers in die stelsel die benodigde bandwydte kan akkommodeer. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die konsepte van sagteware-gedefiniëerde radio en beskryf die ontwerp en implementering van 'n sagteware argitektuur vir die implementering van sagteware-gedefiniëerde radios op veeldoelige platforms soos persoonlike rekenaars.
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Software radio, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering