Riglyne vir prestasiebeoordeling vir bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers by plaaslike owerhede

Polman, Montgomery
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to develop a theoretical and practical framework which can be utilised as a guideline for performance appraisal of occupational social workers employed by local authorities within the Cape Metropole. The study was preceded by a comprehensive literature study whereby the term performance appraisal was explained, the necessity and purpose of performance evaluation, were identified. Furthermore, the characteristics of performance appraisal in social work have been described. These characteristics serve as a basis for this study. An empirical study was then undertaken, which entailed an exploratory study to achieve the aim of this study. The social workers, who are employed by the local authorities within the Cape Metropole, were included in the study. The study was conducted by means of a group administrative questionnaire. Occupational social work is regarded as a relatively new area of specialisation in social work and very little has been written about it. Therefore a brief overview of occupational social work is provided, with specific reference to the U.S.A., Europe and South Africa. Furthermore emphasis is placed on the structural and functional characteristics of an organisation that influences occupational social work. The nature and scope of the social worker's service rendering, as well as the knowledge and skills that is required to render effective services, is discussed. The evaluation of work performance of social workers, the frequency thereof and the persons involved therein, were investigated to determine the nature and scope of the performance appraisal systems that are implemented. Performance appraisal requires the participation of both the supervisor and the social worker. The nature of communication during performance evaluation was identified and the manner in which communication should take place were also obtained. Social workers' opinions in terms of the manner in which they should be allowed to participate during supervision and performance appraisal were also obtained. Social workers' opinions of the valuable aspects of performance appraisal were explored to determine the value of performance evaluation for them. Hence it could be deduced that they experience performance appraisal as valuable and that they have insight into the fact that performance appraisal could contribute to their professional development. The social workers' opinions in terms of the type of principles that should be implemented during performance appraisal were also explored and the outcome of the study showed that the same principles as identified in the literature, are also viewed as important to them. The respondents' opinions in terms of the importance of guidelines for performance evaluation and that it should be conducted in terms of a specific process has been explored, and the results of the study showed that the respondents were positive about the use of guidelines for performance appraisal, which should amongst others include the utilisation of an educational model, evaluation and program. In conclusion, the responses from the occupational social workers of local authorities in the Cape Metropole are discussed and compared with relevant literature. This serves as basis for the recommendations that are made and can be utilised to establish guidelines for performance appraisal for social workers at local authorities within the Cape Metropole. The most important recommendation is that management of local government should utilise the results of this study to establish guidelines for performance appraisal for their occupational social workers.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n teoretiese en praktiese raamwerk daar te stel wat as riglyn benut kan word vir prestasiebeoordeling van bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers by plaaslike owerhede binne die Kaapse Metropool. 'n Omvattende literatuurstudie is ten aanvang van die studie gedoen en hiertydens is die noodsaaklikheid en doel van prestasiebeoordeling in maatskaplike werk geïdentifiseer. Verder is die eienskappe wat prestasiebeoordeling in maatskaplike werk kenmerk, beskryf. Hierdie kenmerke dien as onderbou vir die studie. Na die literatuurstudie is 'n empiriese studie onderneem wat behels het dat 'n verkennende studie gedoen is. Die bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers in diens van die plaaslike owerhede binne die Kaapse Metropool is by die ondersoek betrek. Groepgeadministreerde vraelyste is as ondersoekmetode gebruik. Bedryfs-maatskaplike werk word beskou as 'n relatief jong spesialiteitsveld van maatskaplike werk en daar is nog min daaroor geskryf. Daarom word 'n beknopte historiese oorsig van bedryfs-maatskaplike werk gegee met spesifieke verwysing na die VSA, Europa en Suid-Afrika. Verder is daar klem gelê op die strukturele en funksionele eienskappe van organisasies wat bedryfs-maatskaplike werk beïnvloed. Die aard van die dienslewering van die bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers, sowel as die kennis en vaardighede waaroor hulle behoort te beskik, word ook bespreek. Die evaluering van die maatskaplike werkers se werkverrigting, die frekwensie daarvan en die persone daarby betrokke is ondersoek om die aard en omvang van die implementering van 'n stelsel van prestasiebeoordeling te bepaal. Prestasiebeoordeling vereis dat die supervisor en die maatskaplike werker aan prestasiebeoordeling moet deelneem. Die bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers se menings ten opsigte van die redes waarom werkverrigting nie geëvalueer word nie, is ook vasgestel. Die aard van kommunikasie wat tydens die implementering van prestasiebeoordeling gebruik word, is derhalwe geïdentifiseer, en die wyse waarop kommunikasie behoort uitgevoer te word is ondersoek. Die wyse waarop die maatskaplike werkers geleentheid tot deelname aan supervisie en prestasiebeoordeling behoort te verkry, is ook bepaal. Die waarde wat prestasiebeoordeling vir die maatskaplike werker inhou, is ondersoek deur die bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers se menings oor die aspekte wat tydens prestasiebeoordeling vir hulle waarde inhou, vas te stel. Hieruit kan afgelei word dat die bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers prestasiebeoordeling as waardevol beskou en insig openbaar in die feit dat prestasiebeoordeling tot verbeterde werkverrigting en tot hulle professionele ontwikkeling kan bydra. Die respondente se opinie oor die soort beginsels in prestasiebeoordeling is ondersoek en die resultate van die studie was dat dieselfde beginsels as wat in die literatuur geïdentifiseer word, ook deur hulle as belangrik beskou is. Die bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers se menings ten opsigte van die noodsaaklikheid van riglyne vir prestasiebeoordeling en dat dit volgens 'n proses behoort te geskied, is ook vasgestel. Daar is bevind dat die maatskaplike werkers positief ingestel is ten opsigte van die gebruik van 'n stelsel wat die benutting van 'n onderrigmodel, -evaluering en -program insluit en wat sal geskied volgens bepaalde riglyne vir prestasiebeoordeling. Ten slotte word die response van die bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers van die plaaslike owerhede binne die Kaapse Metropool bespreek en vergelyk met relevante literatuur. Dit dien as basis vir die aanbevelings wat gemaak word. Hierdie aanbevelings kan benut word om riglyne daar te stel vir prestasiebeoordeling van bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers by plaaslike owerhede binne die Kaapse Metropool. Die vernaamste aanbeveling is dat die Plaaslike Owerheid die resultate van die studie moet benut om riglyne vir prestasiebeoordeling van bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers saam te stel.
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Social workers -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Rating of, Performance standards -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Case studies, Social service -- Ability testing -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Case studies, Dissertations -- Social work, Theses -- Social work