A description of information system technologies and implementations of project information management systems for use in the South African Government

Van Zyl, Pierre
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis focuses on information systems for project management in the South African Government with special attention to the Consolidated Municipal Infrastructure Programme. Project data exchange standards and the suitability of these standards for project information management in the South African Government is reviewed. Information system technologies applicable to project management, with reference to computer programming languages, markup languages, communication technologies, Internet technologies, database technologies and document manipulation tools are discussed. Project information management forms are then discussed, followed by an overview of the flow of project information during the lifecycle of a project. The standards development organisation, ActionIt, and the project information management models developed by it are highlighted. A description of applications and a system that was implemented to illustrate the work covered in this thesis is provided with examples of the applications and the system. Hierna tesis fokus op inligting sisteme vir projekbestuur in die Suid Afrikaanse Regering met spesifieke verwysing na die Gekonsolideerde Munisipale Infrastruktuur Program. Standaarde vir die uitruil van projek inligting sowel as die toepaslikheid van hierdie standaarde vir die bestuur van projek inligting in die Suid Afrikaanse Regering word bespreek. Informasie sisteem tegnologiee wat van toepassing is op die bestuur van projek inligting word behandel en sluit in: rekenaar programerings tale, 'markup' tale, kommunikasie tegnologiee, Internet tegnologiee, databasis tegnologiee en gereedskap om dokumente te manipuleer. Verskillende projek vorms word behandel gevolg deur 'n beskrywing van die vloei van data gedurende 'n projek se leeftyd. "n Beskrywing van ActionIT, 'n organisasie vir die neerle van standaarde vir gebruik in die Suid Afrikaanse regering, sowel as die modelle wat deur ActionIT ontwikkel is vir die bestuur van projek inligting word gegee. Die toepassings en sisteem wat geimplimenteer is om die werk wat in hierdie tesis behandel is te demonstreer word gegee met voorbeelde van die toepassings en sisteem.
Thesis (MEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
Management information systems, Information resources management, Information technology -- Management, Dissertations -- Civil engineering, Theses -- Civil engineering