A technical and economical evaluation of RP technology for RTM tooling

Dippenaar, D. J.
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This project investigates the use of Rapid Prototyping (RP), with specific focus on Three Dimensional Printing (3DP), in the manufacture of complex shaped advanced composite parts, using variants of the Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) method of composite manufacture. This study developed design guidelines, cost models and a process chain by studying data obtained by making example parts, from literature and consultation with industry. Advanced composite materials offer some of the best low weight and high specific strength properties for the solution of design problems. A major disadvantage of these processes, however, is the low production rates possible and the need of costly moulds. The 3DP technologies combined with the RTM composite process was found to enable a lowering of costs and increase in productivity if smaller batch sizes are considered. The most meaningful area of application for RP techniques seems to be for smaller and more complex components. The geometrical freedom allowed by RP technologies allowed the manufacture of parts which are challenging to manufacture by conventional technology such as CNC machining. Example part case studies were completed for a simple part utilising the one sided mould Resin Infusion RTM variant as well as for a complex part utilising the closed mould Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding (VARTM) process variant. During these two case studies it was clear that proper part infusion with resin is critical for the manufacture of good quality composite parts free of voids and dry spots. It is possible to improve the resin infusion by correct placement of resin inlet and outlet ports as well as resin channels incorporated in the mould. Correct placement of these features for the case studies was obtained through simulations done with RTM-Worx software. Results also indicated that another useful application of RP technology to RTM is the manufacture of disposable cores for parts with thick cross sections. Resin channels were included on the surface of these cores to improve the mould filling with resin and consequently part quality. An early cost estimation model, based on the work of Veldsman (1995), was developed for the combined RP and RTM manufacturing process. This model may help designers to eliminate expensive design features and enables a quick cost comparison with competing processes. Drawbacks of applying RP techniques to RTM include the limited lifetime of moulds produced with 3DP and the size and accuracy limitations of the RP t echnology.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie projek handel oor die toepassing van die drie-dimensionele druk metode van Snel-Prototipering (Rapid Prototyping) op die vervaardiging van komplekse gevorderde saamgestelde materiaal komponente met die Hars-Inspuit Giet (Resin Transfer Moulding) metode. Die projek behels die opstel van ontwerpsriglyne, koste-modelle en ’n proses-ketting deur data te bestudeer wat bekom is deur middel van die vervaardiging van eksperimentele parte, literatuurstudie asook raadpleging met individue in die industrie. Gevorderde saamgestelde materiale verskaf van die beste sterk, dog ligte oplossings vir sekere ontwerpsprobleme. ’n Ernstige nadeel van hierdie materiale is egter die stadige produksietempo moontlik en die vereiste van duur gietstukke. Die Snel- Prototipering metodes, gekombineerd met ’n saamgestelde materiaal vervaardigingsproses, maak laer kostes met beter produktiwiteit moontlik indien ontwerpers die part grootte- en akkuraatheidsbeperkings in ag neem. Die mees betekenisvolle area van toepassing blyk kleiner en meer komplekse komponente te wees. Die vryheid in geometrie wat moontlik gemaak word deur die Snel- Prototipering tegnologie laat die vervaardiging toe van parte wat uitdagend is om te vervaardig met konvensionele tegnologie soos CNC masjinering. ’n Gevallestudie is voltooi vir ’n eenvoudige part vervaardig met die enkelkant gietstuk vakuum-infusie weergawe van die Hars-Inspuit Giet metode asook vir ’n komplekse part wat vervaardig is met die geslote gietstuk Vakuum Hars-Inspuit Giet weergawe van die basiese metode. Dit het tydens die twee gevallestudies duidelik geword dat deeglike hars infusie van kritieke belang is vir die vervaardiging van goeie kwaliteit parte sonder enige droë kolle of lugruimtes. Dit is moontlik om die hars infusie te verbeter deur hars inlate en uitlate asook hars kanale in die korrekte posisies te plaas. Die korrekte posisies vir hierdie komponente is verkry deur middel van ’n reeks simulasies met die RTM-Worx sagteware. Resultate dui ook daarop dat Snel-Prototipering tegnologie handig te pas kom by die vervaardiging van verbruikbare kerne vir saamgestelde materiaal parte met groter diktes. Hars kanale kan maklik op die kerne se oppervlak geskep word om die hars verspreiding en gevolglik part kwaliteit te verbeter. ’n Vroeë kostevoorspellings model, gebaseer op werk voltooi deur Veldsman (1995), is saamgestel vir die gekombineerde Snel-Prototipering en Hars-Inspuit Giet proses. Hierdie model kan gebruik word om duur ontwerpsbesonderhede op parte te elimineer en om ’n vinnige koste vergelyking met ander vervaardigingsprosesse te toon. Nadele van die toepassing van Snel-Prototipering tegnieke op Hars-Inspuit Giet sluit die beperkte gietstuk-leeftyd en beperkte akkuraatheid in.
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Rapid tooling, Resin transfer moulding, Cost model, Composite manufacture, Dissertations -- Mechatronic engineering, Theses -- Mechatronic engineering, Rapid prototyping, Three dimensional printing