A hybrid MoM/PO technique with large element PO

Nazo, Syanda
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Radar Cross Section (RCS) is an important parameter in radar engineering. Often, electrically large structures are of interest in RCS analysis due to the high operating frequencies of radar systems. Simulation of these problems can be more e cient than measurement due to the cost associated with measurement. The Method of Moments/Physical Optics (MoM/PO) hybrid method combines the advantages of the MoM and PO, making it suited to solving electrically large problems that may contain some small complex detail. The requirement for high meshing resolution when analysing some electromagnetic problems, however, signi cantly increases memory requirements. As a result, the hybrid MoM/PO becomes computationally expensive for electrically large problems. In this work, a linear phase term is introduced into the RWG basis function formulation of the MoM/PO hybrid. The addition of the linear phase term allows the use of large triangular mesh elements in the PO region, resulting in the analysis of electrically large problems. The bene t of this formulation is that it allows a reduction in computational cost whilst maintaining the accuracy of the hybrid MoM/PO. This improved hybrid is tested on various planar test cases and results show that it attains the same level of accuracy as the original MoM/PO hybrid.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Radardeursnit is 'n belangrike parameter in radaringenieurswese. As gevolg van die hoë frekwensies wat deur baie radarstelsels gebruik word, is elektriesgroot probleme dikwels van belang in die berekening van die radardeursnit van teikens. Die modellering en berekening van die radardeursnit van teikens kan meer kostedoeltre end as metings wees, as gevolg van die beduidende koste van radardeursnitmetings. Die hibriede Moment-Metode/Fisiese-Optika tegniek kombineer die voordele van die twee tegnieke, wat dit geskik maak vir elektries-groot probleme met klein, komplekse detail. Indien die gewone benadering egter gevolg word om 'n hoë resolusie faset-model te gebruik, bly dit berekeningsintensief met groot rekenaar geheuevereistes vir elektries-groot probleme. In hierdie studie word 'n lineêre fase term ingesluit in die formulering van die Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) basisfunksies vorm van die hibriede Moment-Metode/Fisiese-Optika tegniek. Die toevoeging van die lineêre fase term maak dit moontlik om groot driehoekfasette in die Fisiese-Optika gebied te gebruik, wat beteken dat elektries-groot probleme makliker opgelos kan word. Die voordeel van hierdie nuwe formulering is dat die berekeningslas en -tyd verminder word terwyl die akkuraatheid van die oorspronklike hibriede Moment-Metode/Fisiese-Optika tegniek behou word. Hierdie verbeterde hibriede tegniek word getoets aan die hand van verskeie platvlak toetsgevalle en die resultate dui daarop dat die akkuraatheid vergelykbaar is met die van die oorspronklike hibriede Moment-Metode/Fisiese-Optika tegniek.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
Moment methods, Physical optics, Hybrid methods, Electromagnetic scattering, Radar cross section, Linear phase element, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering