An LDPC error control strategy for low earth orbit satellite communication link applications

Olivier, Francois Jacobus
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Low earth orbit (LEO) satellite communication presents a unique environment which inherently di ers from most other communication channels. Due to the varying orbital patterns of LEO satellites the link exhibits varying link margins. Limited communication time windows need to be optimised to maximise the volumetric data throughput. Large coding gains can be obtained by the implementation of forward error correction codes. This thesis presents a means for optimising the data throughput of LEO satellite communication through the implementation of a mission speci c error control strategy. Low density parity check (LDPC) codes are versatile and present good error performances at many di erent code rates and block lengths. With power limitations on the space segment and remote ground stations, hardware utilisation e ciency must be optimised to reduce power consumption. In response to this requirement, this thesis evaluates various algorithms for LDPC decoders. An iterative LDPC decoder, implementing an approximation algorithm, is presented as a low complexity solution with good error performance. The proposed solution provides a very good balance between required hardware complexity and coding performance. It was found that many parameters of the decoders and codes can be altered to allow the implementation of these codes in systems with varying memory and processing capabilities.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kommunikasiekanale van satelliete met lae wentelbane, bied 'n unieke omgewing wat inherent verskil van meeste ander kommunikasiekanale. As gevolg van veranderende wentelbaanpatrone, vertoon die kanaal 'n wisselende foutgedrag. Kommunikasievensters is beperk en moet geoptimeer word om die totale deurset van die stelsel te maksimeer. Groot koderingswinste kan verkry word deur die implementering van foutkorreksie kodes. Hierdie tesis voorsien 'n metode om die datadeurset van satelliete met lae wentelbaan te optimeer, deur middel van implementering van 'n missie-spesi eke foutbeheer strategie. Lae digtheid pariteit toetskodes (LDPC) is veelsydige kodes, bied goeie foutbeheer en is doeltre end vir verskillende kodekoerse en bloklengtes. Met drywingsbeperkinge op die ruimtesegment en afgesonderde grondstasies, moet hardeware komponente doeltreffend gebruik word om drywingsverbruik te verminder. Ten einde aan hierdie ontwerpsvereiste te voldoen, evalueer hierdie tesis verskeie LDPC dekodeerderalgoritmes. Deur 'n iteratiewe LDPC dekodeerder met 'n benaderingsalgoritme te implementeer, word 'n oplossing van lae kompleksiteit aangebied, maar wat steeds goeie foutkorreksie eienskappe toon. Die voorgestelde oplossing bied 'n baie goeie balans tussen benodigde hardeware kompleksiteit en koderingsprestasie. Daar is gevind dat heelwat parameters van die dekodeerders en kodes aangepas kan word, ten einde implementering in stelsels met 'n wye verskeidenheid van geheuespasie en verwerkingsvermoëns moontlik te maak.
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
Low density parity check (LDPC), Forward error correction (FEC), Error control, Artificial satellites in telecommunication, Artificial satellites -- Control systems, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering