Impotence and vulnerability : exploring the relationship between rape and masculinity

Maggott, Clint
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is an explorative literature study of the theoretical relationship between rape and masculinity. It is aimed at understanding how rape can be used by men to construct their gender identity. Its focus is only on this relationship and not the two phenomena in themselves. It approaches the topic from a social constructionist theoretical perspective. I found through my research that men do tend to use rape as a resource to attain a desirable or hegemonic masculinity when other economic or social resources are not available. The picture of a rapist, which emerged, was that of a man who was disempowered either economically or socially. This impotence influences men to seek power through sexual means.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie is ‘n eksploratiewe literatuurstudie oor die verhouding tussen verkragting en manlikheid. Dit poog om te verstaan hoe verkragting deur mans gebruik kan word om hulle geslagsidentiteit te konstrueer. Die fokus van die studie is slegs op hierdie verhouding en nie op die twee fenomene in sigself nie. Dit benader die onderwerp van ‘n sosiaal-konstruksionistiese teoretiese perspektief. Ek het in my navorsing gevind dat mans geneig is om verkragting as ‘n manier te gebruik om ‘n begeerde of hegemoniese manlikheid te bewerkstellig wanneer ander ekonomiese of maatskaplike middele nie beskikbaar is nie. Die beeld van ‘n verkragter wat te voorskyn gekom het, was van ‘n man wat of ekonomies of maatskaplik ontmagtig is. Hierdie ontmagtiging beïnvloed mans om mag deur middel van die seksuele te probeer verkry.
Assignment (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
Impotence -- Psychological aspects, Rape -- Psychological aspects, Gender identity, Theses -- Psychology, Dissertations -- Psychology