The impact of the introduction of antiretroviral therapy on the increase of voluntary counseling and testing at the Sedibeng District public health facilities

Makhutle, Motswaledi Jacob
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: While there is ongoing biomedical engineering, there are also socio-behavioral studies conducted throughout the world in an endeavor to find the best practice models in the mitigation of this scourge. There is a growing realization by the South Africa that VCT is essential in both the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. This programme is meant to be voluntary and confidential where client’s preparedness to deal with fear, discrimination, and stigma is crucial. However, VCT is a complex programme which at the most tik and needs added resources such as human resources, financial resources, and infrastructure corrections. The introduction of ART is aimed at adding the impetus in the management of HIV/AIDS. ART is a programme that does not only focuses on drugs, but on other issues relating to HIV/AIDS such as preparedness, adherence, counselling, CD4 and viral load count etc. This research has used an ex post facto method using both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data. Interviews were conveniently selected and one-to-one interviews with 100 participants i.e. 50 HIV positive people in one group and 50 HIV positive people in the other group. Sampling base was selected from 26 sites that provide VCT and a random convenient sampling of clients between 14-55 age groups that went through the routine procedures and tested for HIV in three (3) Community Health Centers was conducted. Two sets of data collection tools were used for quantitative and qualitative measurements. For quantitative measurement, VCT data from facilities pre and post the introduction of ART. This data was used to compare significance of the relationship using the t-test. For qualitative measurement, a formal structured questionnaire with open-ended questions to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the participants in relation to HIV/AIDS, ART, VCT and sexual practices was used to gather data. The researcher used trained counsellors who work in those facilities to interview participants. The major finding of the research show that there is a relationship between ART and VCT and that even though there is high level of knowledge of HIV/AIDS, people are still engaged in unprotected sex. Discrimination and fear of rejection by the family are still the major barriers to counselling and testing.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die opname van antivirale middels te vergelyk met vrywillige toetsing en voorligting. Die hipotese wat getoets is was dat 'n beduidend groter aantal werknemers hulle sal aanmeld vir vrywillige voorligting en toetsing indien antivirale medikasie gratis deur die onderneming verskaf word. 'n Steekproef van 50 MIV positiewe en 50 MIV negatiewe proefpersone is in die studie gebruik. Resultate dui daarop dat die beskikbaarstelling van antivirarale middels deur die onderneming 'n beduidend-groter aantal werknemenrs laat aanmeld het vir vrywillige voorligting en toetsing. Die implikasies van hierdie bevinding word uitgespel en protokolle word vvorgestel vir ondernemings ten opsigte van die interaksie tussen vrywillige voorligting en toetsing en die beskikbaarstelling van anti-retrovirale middels.
Assignment (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
Theses -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology