An investigation into the scope of practice of a registered critical care nurse in a private hospital

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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The critical care nurse works in an environment where patient need often shifts the parameters within which she or he practices. It is expected of a skilled critical care nurse to be able to make independent decisions and take action regarding patient care based on her or his knowledge and skills without discounting the parameters of her or his scope of practice. Practice experience has indicated that the critical care nurse is often uncertain about whether her or his clinical activities are protected by the regulations provided by the Nursing Council. This is more specifically true in the private hospital industry where medical advice or assistance is not always easily available. This situation led to the following research question: Do the available professional and legal guidelines provide an appropriate foundation to guide the practice of the registered critical care nurse in the private hospital sector critical care environment? A non-experimental descriptive study with a qualitative orientation was conducted in 19 private hospitals in the Western Cape. Through nonprobability, random sampling, 71 registered critical care nurses were included in the study. A questionnaire was designed and validated to collect the data. Quantitative data was analysed through Excel® while qualitative data was analysed thematically. It was found that the legal and professional guidelines in place at present do provide a foundation for the clinical activities of critical care nursing in the private hospital sector. It is suggested that it is rather the critical care nurses’ interpretation of the Scope of Practice (No.R.2598 of 30/11/1984 as amended) that limits their practice as opposed to the wording of the regulations. It is recommended that critical care nurses must determine nursing care parameters based on patient need, using the regulations as a foundation for critical, analytical and reflective practice rather than as a set of rules to be followed. Key words: Scope of practice, critical care practice, ICU nursing care, private hospital nursing practice.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kritiekesorgverpleegkundige werk in ‘n omgewing waar pasiëntebehoeftes gereeld die parameters waarin sy of hy praktiseer, verskuif. Dit word van ’n bekwame kritiekesorgverpleegkundige verwag dat sy of hy onafhanklike besluite en aksies met betrekking tot pasiëntesorg, gebaseer op haar of sy kennis en vaardighede, sal neem sonder om die parameters van haar of sy bestek van praktyk te oorskry. Praktykondervinding het getoon dat die kritiekesorgverpleegkundige dikwels onseker is oor watter van haar of sy optredes deur die Regulasies, soos deur die Raad op Verpleging gespesifiseer word, beskerm word. Dit is nog meer spesifiek van toepassing in die privaathospitaal-industrie waar geneeskundige advies en bystand nie altyd maklik beskikbaar is nie. Die situasie het tot die volgende navorsingsvraag aanleiding gegee: Voorsien die beskikbare professionele en wetlike riglyne ’n geskikte grondslag om die praktyk van ’n geregistreerde kritiekesorgverpleegkundige in die privaatsektor- kritiekesorgomgewing te rig? ’n Nie-eksperimentele, beskrywende studie met ’n kwalitatiewe oriëntasie is in 19 hospitale in die Wes-Kaap onderneem. Deur nie-waarskynlikheids-, toevallige steekproefneming is 71 geregistreerde kritiekesorgverpleegkundiges in die studie ingesluit. ’n Vraelys is ontwerp en gevalideer om inligting in te samel. Kwantitatiewe data is deur middel van Excel ontleed terwyl kwalitatiewe data tematies ontleed is. Daar is gevind dat die wetlike en professionele riglyne wat tans beskikbaar is, ‘n grondslag bied vir die kliniese aktiwiteite van kritiekesorgverpleegkundiges in die privaathospitaal.. Dit word voorgestel dat dit die kritiekesorgverpleegkundige se interpretasie van die Bestek van Praktyk (No.R.2598 of 30/11/1984 soos aangepas) is wat hulle praktyk beperk, eerder as die bewoording van die regulasie self.
Thesis (MCur)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
Intensive care nursing, Nursing -- Practice, Hospitals, Proprietary -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Theses -- Nursing, Dissertations -- Nursing, Theses -- Medicine, Dissertations -- Medicine