The effect of sperm morphology and testicular spermatozoa on embryo quality

Kellerman L.-M.
Windt M.-L.
Lombard C.J.
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Objective: To determine the correlation between sperm morphology groups (strict criteria) and testicular spermatozoa, and day 2 and 3 embryo quality in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cases. Methods: A retrospective study was done of 2 402 IVF and ICSI-fertilised embryos classified as good-quality embryos (GQEs) or poor-quality embryos (PQEs). Sperm morphology (strict criteria) was classified as teratozoospermia (P-pattern (< 5% normal); G-pattern (5 - 14% normal)), normozoospermia (N-pattern (> 14% normal)), and testicular spermatozoa (immature, only ICSI group). Results: Sperm morphology (P, G, and N-patterns) and immature testicular sperm had no effect on day 2 or 3 embryo quality for ICSI (p = 0.82) and IVF-fertilised (p = 0.64) embryos, A significant increase in GQEs from day 2 to 3 in the P-pattern group (33 - 39%, p = 0.002) and testicular spermatozoa group (30 - 35%, p = 0.014) was found in ICSI cases. Conclusion: Morphology of human spermatozoa according to Tygerberg's strict criteria and testicular spermatozoa had no predictive value for the outcome of day 2 and 3 embryo quality.
adult, article, blastomere, cell structure, controlled study, correlation analysis, embryo development, female, fertilization in vitro, gamete intrafallopian transfer, human, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, major clinical study, male, retrospective study, semen analysis, sperm, spermatozoon, spermatozoon maturation, testis
South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology