Sperm morphologic features as a prognostic factor in in vitro fertilization

Kruger T.F.
Menkveld R.
Stander F.S.H.
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To determine whether there is a prognostic value in the percentage normal sperm morphologic features in a human in vitro fertilization (IVF) program, the authors conducted a prospective study in women with bilateral tubal damage. Based on the percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa, the patient were divided into four groups: group I, normal morphologic features between 0% and 14%; group II, 15% to 30%; group III, 31% to 45%; and group IV, 46% to 60%. One hundred ninety successful laparoscopic cycles were evaluated. In group I, 104 oocytes were obtained, of which 37% fetilized, but no pregnancy resulted; in group II, 81% of 324 oocytes were fertilized, with a pregnancy rate per embryo transfer (ET) of 22%; in group III, 82% of 309 oocytes were fertilized, with a 31% pregnancy rate; and in group IV, 91% of 69 oocytes were fertilized, with a pregnancy rate of 12%. Probability models indicated that there was a clear threshold in normal sperm morphologic features at 14%, with high fertilization and pregnancy rate in the groups with normal sperm morphologic features > 14%.
adult, diagnosis, etiology, female genital system, fertilization in vitro, human, human cell, male genital system, priority journal, prognosis, south africa, sperm, validity, Comparative Study, Embryo Transfer, Female, Fertilization in Vitro, Human, Laparoscopy, Male, Menstrual Cycle, Oocytes, Pregnancy, Prognosis, Prospective Studies, Sperm Count, Sperm Motility, Spermatozoa, Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Fertility and Sterility