Efficacy of a report-form template for radiological interpretation

Breytenbach H.S.
Wood R.E.
Nortje C.J.
Harris A.M.P.
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Previous authors have focused on technical, radiographic and perceptual aspects of dental radiology but scant attention has been paid to the thought processes and recording methods used in interpretation. The purpose of this investigation was to test the efficacy of a report-form template for radiological interpretation. Sixty-four senior dental students were divided into two groups. Group A received panoramic radiograph X and group B radiograph Y. Both groups completed the customary, blank report form (control form). Subsequently, group A was given radiograph Y and group B radiograph X, and they both completed the test form which contained pathology-directed subheadings. The number of missed lesions and false-positive observations on each form were compared and the students asked which form they preferred. More findings were missed when students used the control form (P<0.005) but the frequency of false-positive observations recorded on both forms was not significantly different n(P>0.05). All but one of 64 students preferred the test form. A pathology-directed report form may therefore be of assistance for teaching undergraduate dental students oral radiological interpretation. © 1990.
article, comparative study, human, medical record, tooth radiography, Comparative Study, Dental Records, Forms and Records Control, Human, Radiography, Dental
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology