Zona pellucida as physiological trigger for the induction of acrosome reaction

Henkel R.
Franken D.R.
Habenicht U.-F.
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To evaluate the kinetics of acrosome reaction, sperm samples from four fertile donors were prepared by swim-up and incubated with solutions of human zonae containing 0.1, 0.15, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 zonae μl-1. After 20, 40 and 60 min of incubation at 37°C, aliquots were taken for evaluation of the acrosomal status. The results showed a distinct time- and dose dependence of the acrosome reaction induced by solubilized zona proteins. After 60 min of incubation in 1.0 zonae μl-1, about 80% of the spermatozoa showed signs of acrosomal loss; about 40% were completely acrosome-reacted. In addition, zona-bound sperm showed the same ratios of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa in control experiments. The velocity of acrosome reaction was calculated by means of a double-reciprocal plot being 2.0-2.5% min-1 for completely reacted spermatozoa and those showing signs of acrosome reaction. However, both subgroups differed considerably in their constants of equilibrium (K = 2.0 ZP μl-1 and K = 0.2 ZP μl-1, respectively). In nonreacted and partly reacted spermatozoa results might indicate a disturbed course of acrosome reaction or possibly the existence of different subpopulations in respect of sperm competition.
acrosome reaction, conference paper, controlled study, fertilization, human, human cell, male, signal transduction, spermatozoon, zona pellucida, Acrosome Reaction, Female, Humans, Male, Zona Pellucida