Management of Kaposi's sarcoma in resource-limited settings in the era of HAART

Lynen L.
Zolfo M.
Huyst V.
Louis F.
Barnardt P.
de Velde A.
De Schacht C.
Colebunders R.
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The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has changed the natural history of AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Although the use of HAART remains limited in low-resource settings, there are global initiatives to make these drugs available to several millions of HIV-infected persons. While there are multiple reports of KS regression during HAART with or without chemotherapy, there is little documentation on KS management in resource-limited settings. In this paper we review current KS treatments available worldwide and discuss the implications of the increased access to antiretrovirals for KS treatment strategies in resource-limited settings.
alitretinoin, alpha interferon, antiretrovirus agent, bleomycin, corticosteroid, daunorubicin, didanosine, doxorubicin, etoposide, metronidazole, paclitaxel, proteinase inhibitor, RNA directed DNA polymerase inhibitor, stavudine, vinblastine, Vinca alkaloid, vincristine, zidovudine, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, anaphylaxis, anemia, appetite disorder, areflexia, asthenia, bone marrow suppression, chill, clinical feature, confusion, constipation, developing country, disease exacerbation, drug cost, drug dose regimen, drug hypersensitivity, extravasation, fever, highly active antiretroviral therapy, human, Human immunodeficiency virus infection, hyporeflexia, hypotension, ileus, injection pain, Kaposi sarcoma, liver dysfunction, lung fibrosis, neurologic disease, neurotoxicity, neutropenia, peripheral neuropathy, Raynaud phenomenon, review, rigor, sensorimotor neuropathy, skin irritation, skin manifestation, thrombocytopenia, tissue necrosis, treatment indication, wheezing, Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active, Developing Countries, HIV Infections, Humans, Sarcoma, Kaposi
AIDS Reviews