Capillary refilling time in newborns - Optimal pressing time, sites of testing and normal values

Strozik K.S.
Pieper C.H.
Cools F.
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Aspects of capillary refilling time (CRT) in newborns, such as pressing time, sites of testing, normal values and difference between observers were assessed. CRT was measured in 280 term newborns, divided into 7 groups of 40 each, varying pressing time (from 1 to 7 s) was applied. CRT was measured in midpoints of forehead and sternum and plantar surface of heel (defined as head, chest and heel). No statistically significant difference was found between 3 and 7 s pressing time groups. The data points of the CRT of the head and chest approached normality, whilst those of the heel were widely scattered. Normal CRT in newborns is <3 s. No significant difference between two observers in head and chest CRT values was found.
article, capillary flow, clinical examination, clinical trial, diagnostic procedure, diagnostic value, disease severity, female, heart output, human, hydration, major clinical study, male, newborn, normal value, observer variation, practice guideline, priority journal, shock, skin blood flow, standardization, Analysis of Variance, Capillaries, Female, Forehead, Heel, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Male, Observer Variation, Pressure, Reference Values, Regional Blood Flow, Sensitivity and Specificity, Skin, Sternum, Thorax, Time Factors
Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics