Kwaliteit van water wat aan wild in die Kalahari-gemsbok Nasionale Park voorsien word

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The quality of the water originating from boreholes in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (KGNP) varies from fresh (<5 ppm TDS), to mineralised (5-10 ppm TDS), to highly mineralised (>10 ppm TDS). Only 35 percent of the dams (reservoirs) and 48.8 percent of the troughs can be classified as non-potable for domestic stock. If the standards for livestock set by the SWA/Namibial Department of Water Affairs are used only 40 percent of drinking points can be classified as potable for livestock. If their upper limits set for specific ions are applied, 56.2 percent of the troughs contained excessive sodium levels (>2000 ppt), 7.5 percent excessive calcium (>1000 ppt), 5 percent excessive magnesium (>500 ppt) and 40 percent excessive chloride levels (>3000 ppt). -from English summary
CITATION: Dreyer, H. V. A. 1989. Kwaliteit van water wat aan wild in die Kalahari-gemsbok Nasionale Park voorsien word. Koedoe, 32(1):a468, doi:10.4102/koedoe.v32i1.468.
The original publication is available at
Water quality, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (Botswana and South Africa), Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (South Africa)
Dreyer, H. V. A. 1989. Kwaliteit van water wat aan wild in die Kalahari-gemsbok Nasionale Park voorsien word. Koedoe, 32(1):a468, doi:10.4102/koedoe.v32i1.468.