Evaluating the implementation of environmental, social and governance factors in the mining sector : a case study of Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Over the years the demand of sustainability disclosure has grown and companies are moving away from disclosing only based on financial performance. With the demand of investors for companies to consider environmental, social and governance factors in their operation and decision making. The mining companies have obligation to disclose on financial and non non-financial instruments to stakeholders. Sustainable mining suggests that mining companies consider the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in their business strategies. This warranted the research study to assess the progress made in Namibia as literature review reveal that there are few studies on the integration of ESG practices. Thus, this study explores the extent of ESG consideration in the mining sectors to estab lish the nature of ESG indicators adopted and the driving force thereof. This research employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches to answer the research questions. The desktop research was conducted using secondary data from archival data source. In confirming whether ESG is integrated in the mining sector, the research conducted content analyses of sustainability reports using the categorisation of themes as per the Global reporting initiative indicators. The study found that, the Namibian mining industry have considered ESG practice within their operation to some extent as most of the mining companies have integrated and disclosed on ESG metrics. Many of the examined mining companies have published sustainability reports on the s trategies and progress made toward environmental and social factors. Although the regulations are silent on the ESG, the focus in on adopting and integrating sustainable development goals. Therefore, the driving force of ESG in the sector to maintain good reputation, attract investor and complying with regulation. Although, the ESG integration in the sector is lucrative, the regulator needs to adopt ESG in the regulatory framework and create awareness in order to promote ESG and leap long term effect which leads to achieving Sustainable development goals.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die jare het die vraag na openbaarmaking van volhoubaarheid gegroei en maatskappye beweeg weg van openbaarmaking oor finansiele prestasie. Met die vraag van beleggers vir maatskappye om omgewings-, maatskaplike en bestuursfaktore in hul bedryf en besluitneming in ag te neem. Die myn maatskappye is verplig om finansiele en nie-finansiele instrumente aan belanghebbendes bekend te maak. Volhoubare mynbou dui daarop dat myn maatskappye die integrasie van omgewings-, maatskaplike en bestuurs-(ESG)-faktore in hul besigheidstrategiee oorweeg. Dit het die navorsingstudie geregverdig om die vordering wat in Namibie gemaak is, te evalueer, aangesien literatuuroorsig toon dat daar min studie oor ESG-praktyke-integrasie is. Die studie het dus die omvang van ESG-oorweging in die mynbousektore en die dryfkrag daarby beoordeel. Hierdie navorsing het 'n kombinasie van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe benadering gebruik om die navorsingsvrae te beantwoord. Die lessenaarnavorsing is uitgevoer met behulp van sekondere data van argiefdatabron. Om te bevestig of ESG in die mynbousektor geintegreer is, het die navorsing inhoudontledings gedoen deur die kategorisering van temas volgens die Global Reporting-inisiatief-aanwysers te gebruik. Die studie het bevind dat die Namibiese mynbedryf ESG-praktyke binne hul bedrywighede in 'n mate oorweeg het, aangesien die meerderheid van die myn maatskappye geintegreer het en op ESG-statistieke geopenbaar het. Baie van die ondersoek myn maatskappye het volhoubaarheidsverslae gepubliseer oor die strategiee en vordering wat gemaak is met omgewings-en sosiale faktore. Alhoewel die regulasies swyg oor die ESG, is die fokus op die aanvaarding en integrasie van volhoubare ontwikkelingsdoelwitte. Daarom is die dryfkrag van ESG in die sektor om goeie reputasie te handhaaf, beleggers te lok en aan regulasie te voldoen. Alhoewel die ESG-integrasie in die sektor winsgewend is, moet die reguleerder ESG in die regulatoriese raamwerk aanvaar en bewustheid skep ten einde ESG te bevorder en langtermyn-effek te bevorder wat lei tot die bereiking van volhoubare ontwikkelingsdoelwitte.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.