The history of physical education at Stellenbosch University, 1937-2019

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis offers a nuanced dissection of the rise and development of physical education, later reimagined as sport science, as a department and as an academic discipline at Stellenbosch University from its inception in 1937 to 2019. Located within a complex institutional history, the thesis foregrounds the extent to which the university’s ethos of conservativism and traditionalist values influenced departmental shifts over the course of eight decades. In tracing the discipline’s intellectual legacies, the thesis examines the ways in which strata such as race, class, gender and geography shaped the trajectory of physical education, both within the context of the university and on a national scale. At its core, the thesis foregrounds the extent to which the university played a crucial role in the politics of nation-building across the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. By analysing the ways in which political and social drivers have influenced institutional decision making throughout the segregationist, apartheid and democratic eras, the thesis presents three key arguments. First, as an established leader in the national physical education standardisation movement of the early to mid-twentieth century, the thesis argues that Stellenbosch University played an integral part in the advancement of Afrikaner nation-building. The second argument traces the discipline’s strategic quest for legitimacy and the scientification of physical education. Here too the thesis foregrounds the political undertows of ‘race betterment’ and how physical education was employed as a tool of ‘citizen making’. Furthermore, the thesis demonstrates that in aiding the national physical education standardisation movement of the 1930s and 1940s, prominent physical educationists based at Stellenbosch University pushed the discipline towards science. The third central contention highlights the state of physical education within the context of the ‘new South Africa’. In the era of democracy, the post-1994 regime did not consider physical education as a matter of national concern in the same way as before. Following South Africa’s readmission into the international sports arena, sporting ‘mega events’ now serve as a means through which to forge the foundations of the new nation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif bied 'n genuanseerde bespreking van die ontwikkeling en ontstaan van die Liggaamlike Opvoedingsdepartement, wat later herbenoem is na die Departement van Sport Wetenskap vanaf 1937 tot 2019. Aan die hand van ‘n komplekse institusionele geskiedenis, word die soeklig veral gewerp op die mate waarop die universiteit se etos van konserwatisme en tradisionele waardes departementele verskuiwings deur die loop van bykans agt dekades beïnvloed het. In hierdie ondersoek na die dissipline en intellektuele nalatenskap van die departement, fokus hierdie tesis op die manier waarop die trajek van liggaamlike opvoeding onderlê word deur strata soos ras, klas, geslag en geografie binne die konteks van die universiteit en op 'n nasionale skaal. Die proefskrif toon in sy kern die maniere waarop die universiteit 'n deurslaggewende rol gespeel het in die politiek van nasiebou oor die twintigste en vroeë een-en-twintigste eeue. Deur ‘n kritiese analise van die politieke en sosiale invloede institusionele besluitneming onder die segregasie-, apartheid- en demokratiese eras, identifiseer hierdie proefskrif drie gevolgtrekkings. Eerstens, as 'n gevestigde leier in die nasionale standaardisering beweging van die vroeë tot middel twintigste eeu, is bevind dat die Universiteit Stellenbosch 'n integrale rol gespeel het in die bevordering van Afrikaner nasiebou. Die tweede gevolgtrekking fokus op die dissipline se strategiese soeke en strewe na legitimiteit en die verwetenskapliking van liggaamlike opvoeding. In die verband is hierdie tesis ook beduidend op die politieke onderdrukking van 'rasverbetering' en hoe liggaamlike opvoeding aangewend is as 'n instrument van 'burger maak'. Verder demonstreer hierdie tesis dat prominente liggaamlike opvoedkundiges, wat verbonde was aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch, rigtinggewers was in die nasionale liggaamsopvoeding-standaardisering beweging van die 1930's en 1940's. Die derde sentrale gevolgtrekking belig die stand van liggaamlike opvoeding binne die konteks van die ‘nuwe Suid-Afrika’. In die era van demokrasie, het die nuwe staat nie liggaamlike opvoeding as 'n saak van nasionale belang beskou nie. Na Suid-Afrika se hertoelating tot die internasionale sport, dien sport-‘mega-byeenkomste’ nou as 'n brugbouer en dryfveer in die stimulering van ‘n nuwe nasietrots.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.
Physical education and training -- Stellenbosch (South Africa) -- History, Physical education and training -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Stellenbosch (South Africa), Stellenbosch University. Division of Sport Science, Nationalism and sports -- South Africa, UCTD, Nation-building -- South Africa