An exploratory study of women leadership in the South African charismatic church through an African women practical theology lens

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This exploratory study aims to explore the extent of and causes of women's underrepresentation in leadership roles and the challenges women leaders face in South African Charismatic churches. Through literary research, this study aims to explore the impact of some of the contributing factors to this underrepresentation and other concomitant challenges. The contributing factors that hinder the fair representation of women in leadership positions discussed, identified and discussed in this study are, hermeneutics, culture, and patriarchy. This study also explores whether interpreting these contributing factors or hindrances through an African Women Practical Theology lens can help transform the problem of the underrepresentation of women leaders in top leadership positions in the South African Charismatic church. To conclude, this study suggests some practical ways in which the South African Charismatic church can start to transform the praxis of women's leadership and lastly provides recommendations for further research. Some of the recommendations made include re-viewing and reconstructing patriarchal cultures, resisting literal interpretations of scriptures, remaining faithful to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, giving priority to women’s experiences and voices, educating people about issues relating to women’s leadership and learning from appreciative inquiries and implementing more of what is working.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verkennende studie het ten doel om die omvang van en oorsake van vroue se onder verteenwoordiging in leierskaprolle en die uitdagings wat vroue leiers in Suid-Afrikaanse Charismatiese kerke in die gesig staar, te verken. Deur middel van literêre navorsing poog hierdie studie om die impak van sommige van die bydraende faktore tot hierdie onder verteenwoordiging en ander gepaardgaande uitdagings te verken. Die bydraende faktore wat die regverdige verteenwoordiging van vroue in leiersposisies belemmer en wat in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer en bespreek word, is hermeneutiek, kultuur en patriargie. Hierdie studie ondersoek ook of die interpretasie van hierdie bydraende faktore of hindernisse deur 'n Afrika-vroue Praktiese Teologie-lens wat kan help om die probleem van die onder verteenwoordiging van vroue leiers in top leierskap posisies in die Suid-Afrikaanse Charismatiese kerk te transformeer. Ten slotte stel hierdie studie 'n paar praktiese maniere voor waarop die Suid-Afrikaanse Charismatiese kerk die praktyk van vroue leierskap kan begin transformeer en gee laastens aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing. Sommige van die aanbevelings wat gemaak is, sluit in hersiening en rekonstruksie van patriargale kulture, weerstand teen letterlike interpretasies van die Bybel, getrou bly aan die bediening van die Heilige Gees, voorkeur gee aan vroue se ervarings en stemme, opvoeding van mense oor kwessies wat met vroue se leierskap verband hou, leer uit waarderende navrae en die implementering van laasgenoemde.
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.