Pyranometers vs. Spectrometers: modelling the effects of a changing solar spectrum on the yield of bifacial PV modules

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The electrical output of a PV module is depended on the amount of solar irradiance the module receives. The solar irradiance consists of light at di erent intensities for varying wavelengths which is called the solar spectrum. The solar spectrum is measured using a spectrometer. The focus of this study is to determine how environmental variables as well as the sky condition can in uence the solar spectrum received on the surface of the earth and ultimately the electrical output of a PV system. The solar spectral model of Bird and Riordan is investigated and adapted to include the simulation of the solar spectrum that the rear side of a PV module receives as well di erent sky conditions such as clear to overcast skies. With this model the solar spectrum is simulated at di erent conditions to determine the e ect on the solar spectrum and in turn the electrical output of a PV module. The electrical output is calculated using two di erent methods and comparing the results. One of the methods is calculating the area under the solar spectrum curve, which is similar to a pyranometer measurement, to calculate the new light current. The electrical output is then calculated by substituting the new light current into the single diode model. The alternate method is calculating the short circuit current by taking the solar spectrum, multiplying it with the spectral response of a PV module, taking the area under that curve and multiplying it with the area of one solar cell. This gives the short circuit current, that when substituted into the single-diode model, gives the new maximum electrical output.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die elektriese drywing van 'n PV module is afhanklik van die hoeveelheid sonbestraling wat die PV module ontvang. Die sonbestraling van lig bestaan uit 'n reeks gol engtes van wisselende sterktes en dit word die sonspektrum genoem. Die sonspektrum word gemeet met 'n spektrometer. Hierdie studie fokus daarop om te bepaal wat die invloed is van die omgewingsveranderlikes op die sonspektrum en uiteindelik die elektriese drywing van 'n PV module. Die sonspektrum model van Bird and Riordan word bestudeer en aangepas om die sonspektrum vir die agterkant van 'n PV module te modelleer en die sonspektrum te modelleer vir helder tot bewolkte lug. Met hierdie model word die sonspektrum gemodelleer by verskillende kondisies om te bepaal wat die e ek op die sonspektrum is asook die elektriese drywing van 'n PV module. Die elektriese drywing word deur middel van twee metodes bepaal en vergelyk. Een van die metodes is om die area onder die sonspektrum kurwe te bereken, wat soortgelyk is aan 'n lesing geneem deur 'n piranometer, om die lig stroom te bereken. Die elektriese drywing word dan bepaal deur die lig stroom in die enkel diode model te vervang met die nuwe lig stroom. Die ander metode om die elektriese drywing te bepaal, is om die sonspektrum te maal met die spektrale reaksie van 'n PV module sowel as die area van een sonsel. Die area onder die kurwe is die nuwe kortsluitstroom wat die kortsluitstroom van die enkel diode model vervang om uiteindelik die nuwe maksimum elektriese drywing te bereken.
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Spectrum, Solar, Photovoltaic power generation, Solar panels, Wavelengths, Electric power production, UCTD