Prediction of Sediment Accretion at Natural Detached Breakwaters in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There have been many attempts at estimating the accretion in the lee of detached breakwaters as this could help to indicate the conditions on the landward side of the breakwater, which is useful for the planning and design of coastal infrastructure such as coastal protection infrastructure or artificial beach design. Several empirical methods were tested along the coastline of Southern Africa, to determine which method or methods were most accurate at predicting the sediment accretion in the lee of a detached natural breakwater and which method(s) would be most applicable to the Southern African climate and lack of information that is often encountered along the Southern African coastline. These methods were, Inman and Frautschy (1966), Noble (1978), Gourlay (1981), Nir (1982), Rosen and Vajda (1982), Hallermeier (1983), Noda (1984), SPM (1984), Dally and Pope (1986), Suh and Dalrymple (1987), Ahrens and Cox (1990), Hsu and Silvester (1990), McCormick (1993), Ming and Chiew (2000) and, Black and Andrew (2001). These methods were tested at eighteen locations for both low and high tide conditions. The method that is recommended for use along the Southern African coastline depends on how much information is required from the method. If it is only required to know whether accretion would occur or not, either Inman and Frautschy (1966) or Noble (1978), is recommended. If the general shape of the accretion is required, thus if the accreted shape is likely to be a salient or a tombolo, Ming and Chiew (2000), is recommended. If the basic size of the accreted area is required, thus the salient length or tombolo width along with whether a salient or tombolo is likely to form, either Rosen and Vajda (1982) or Suh and Dalrymple (1987), is recommended. Though both methods did require the wave data at the location, thus this could mean that these methods could not be applied along the entire Southern African coastline. If the estimated shape of the accreted area shoreline is required, Hsu and Silvester (1990), is recommended. The method that provided the most information, whilst being relatively accurate and requiring very few input values, was Hsu and Silvester (1990), thus in general this empirical method is recommended for predicting the sediment accretion in the lee of detached natural breakwaters along the Southern African coastline. This method only requires the breakwater length and the distance to the breakwater from the original shoreline, but it provided a method to plot the estimated accreted area shoreline.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Daar was al baie pogings om die sedimentasie aan die land-kant van losstaande breekwaters te bepaal aangesien dit nuttig is vir die beplanning en ontwerp van kusinfrastruktuur soos kusbeskermingsstrukture of kunsmatige strand ontwerp. Verskeie empiriese metodes is langs die kuslyn van Suider-Afrika getoets om te bepaal watter metode (of metodes) die akkuraatste was in die bepaling van die sediment-opbou, as gevolg van ń losstaande natuurlike golfbreker, en watter metode(s) die mees van toepassing sou wees op die Suider-Afrikaanse omstandighede en die gebrek aan inligting wat dikwels hier teëgekom word. Die empiriese metodes wat getoets is, was, Inman en Frautschy (1966), Noble (1978), Gourlay (1981), Nir (1982), Rosen en Vajda (1982), Hallermeier (1983), Noda (1984), SPM (1984), Dally en Pope (1986), Suh en Dalrymple (1987), Ahrens en Cox (1990), Hsu en Silvester (1990), McCormick (1993), Ming en Chiew (2000) en, Black en Andrew (2001). Hierdie metodes is op agtien plekke getoets vir beide laag- en hoogwatertoestande. Die metode wat aanbeveel word vir gebruik langs die Suider-Afrikaanse kuslyn hang af van watter uitvoer van die metode vereis word. As dit slegs vereis word om te weet of opbou sal plaasvind of nie, word óf Inman en Frautschy (1966) óf Noble (1978) aanbeveel. As die algemene vorm van die opbou vereis word, dus of die aangegroeide vorm ń ‘salient’ of ń ‘tombolo’ sal wees, word Ming en Chiew (2000) aanbeveel. As ’n klassifikasie van die vorm van opbou benodig word, tesame met die basiese grootte van die area, dus die ‘salient’-lengte óf ‘tombolo’-breedte, word óf Rosen en Vajda (1982) óf Suh en Dalrymple (1987) aanbeveel. Beide metodes het wel die golfdata by die ligging vereis, wat kan beteken dat hierdie metodes nie langs die hele Suider-Afrikaanse kuslyn toegepas kan word nie. Indien die hele vorm van die kuslyn van die opgeboude area vereis word, word Hsu en Silvester (1990) aanbeveel. Die metode wat die meeste inligting verskaf het, relatief akkuraat was en baie min insetwaardes vereis het, was Hsu en Silvester (1990). Dus word hierdie empiriese metode oor die algemeen aanbeveel vir die voorspelling van die sediment-opbouing aan die land-kant van ń losstaande natuurlike breekwater langs die Suider-Afrikaanse kuslyn. Hierdie metode vereis slegs die breekwater lengte, die afstand na die breekwater vanaf die oorspronklike kuslyn en die golf-invalshoek, maar tog verskaf dit ń grafiese voorspelling van die kuslyn van opgeboude area.
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Breakwaters -- Design and construction, Coastal engineering -- South Africa, Shorelines – Monitoring -- South Africa, Coastal sediments -- South Africa, UCTD