Critical success factors of the coach-client relationship : the influence of culture

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afrigter-klient verhouding is 'n sleutel komponent van 'n suksesvolle leierskap/uitvoerende afrigting intervensie in organisasies. Verskeie kritieke sukses faktore wat bydra tot die sukses van 'n afrigter-klient verhouding is in navorsing geidentifiseer. Ten spyte van die waarde van hierdie navorsing, is die toepaslikheid daarvan op ‘n genuanseerde multikulturele konteks soos Suid-Afrika beperk. Gevolglik, was die hoofdoel van hierdie studie om die invloed van kultuur op die kritieke sukses faktore van die afrigter-klient verhouding na te vors en te beskryf. Deur 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is daar semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gevoer met twaalf uitvoerende/leierskap-afrigters in Suid-Afrika en is relevante inligting versamel. Die steekproef vir hierdie studie is gekies deur doelgerigte sneeubalsteekproefneming, en induktiewe tematiese analise is gebruik om die data te ontleed. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die invloed van kultuur op die afrigter-klient verhouding hoogs subjektief en kompleks is, en kultuur word uniek deur alle deelnemers ervaar en waargeneem. Die hoof bevindinge is vervat in 'n konseptuele raamwerk vir die afrigter-klient verhouding in 'n multikulturele konteks. Hierdie raamwerk verskaf insig oor in hoe kultuur die afrigter-klient-verhouding kan beinvloed, en wat die daaropvolgende strategiee is wat afrigters kan gebruik indien so 'n invloed die verhouding belemmer. Dit verskaf verder insig in die kritieke sukses faktore vir die afrigterklient- verhouding in die unieke konteks van Suid-Afrika. Die kompleksiteit van hierdie studie se bevindinge vorm die rasionaal vir toekomstige afrigting navorsing om die potensiele invloed wat kultuur op die afrigter-klient verhouding kan he te ondersoek, sodat die ontwikkeling en sukses van sulke verhoudings in organisatoriese omgewings verbeter kan word.
ENGLISH SUMMARY: The coach-client relationship is a key component of a successful leadership/executive coaching intervention in organisations. Several critical success factors have been identified in research that contributes to the success of a coach-client relationship. Notwithstanding the value of this research, its applicability to nuanced multicultural contexts such as South Africa is limited. Given this, the primary aim of this study was to explore and describe the influence of culture on the critical success factors of the coach-client relationship. Through a qualitative research design, this study collected interview data from twelve semi-structured interviews with executive/leadership coaches in South Africa. The sample for this study was selected through purposive snowball sampling and inductive thematic analysis was used to analyse the interview data. The findings indicate that the influence of culture on the coach-client relationship is highly subjective and complex, and culture is experienced and perceived uniquely by all participants. The main findings culminated in a conceptual framework for the coach-client relationship in a multicultural context. This framework provides insights into how culture may impact the coach-client relationship, and what the subsequent strategies are that coaches may utilise if such an impact stands to impair the relationship. It further provides insights into the critical success factors for the coach-client relationship in the unique context of South Africa. The complexity of this study’s findings provide a rationale for coaching research to continue to explore the potential influence that culture may have on the coachclient relationship, in order to enhance the development and success of such relationships in organisational settings.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Leadership coaching -- South Africa, Employees -- Coaching of. -- South Africa, Executive coaching -- South Africa, UCTD