Evaluation of the chemotactic properties of peripheral human myeloid-derived suppressor cells versus monocytes during mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) infection is the leading cause of death globally from an infectious agent, ranking above HIV/AIDS. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) play a role in tuberculosis (TB) disease by suppressing T-cell functions. T- cells are crucial for protection against TB as they are the major producers of pro- inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-γ and TNF-α which are crucial for macrophage activation and migration of immune cells to the infection site, contributing towards granuloma formation. There is insufficient research on the chemotactic migration of MDSC, especially in TB as most available research has mainly focused on cancer. Cancer studies have highlighted some of the chemokines that elicit MDSC migratory response for application in Host-directed treatment by blocking MDSC recruitment. Therefore, my main aim was to identify chemokines that elicit MDSC migration and to compare MDSC and monocytes chemotactic dynamics. Lastly, to identify the chemokines and cytokines that are produced by MDSC in response to infection. The migratory assay involved MDSC (CD3-/HLA-DR-/CD33+) and monocytes (CD3- /CD14+) isolated from peripheral blood of active TB and other lung disease patients (n=22). We selected two chemokines CCL2 (2ng/ml) and CCL5 (3ng/ml) to assess cell migration potential. Fluorescent microscopy was used to conduct the experiments for a duration of 3-hours. An automated cell tracker, Fast Track Al was used to generate the migration results. Using the Luminex assay, we identified chemokines and cytokines that are associated with MDSC elevation. We selected 51 analytes for the assay. The MDSC and monocytes were infected by Mycobacteriumbovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin at an MOI of 10 and cultured for a duration of 2-hours. Our preliminary results show that CCL2 and CCL5 elicit a chemotactic migratory response in MDSC and monocytes. Additionally, BCG infection increased the cells migratory response in both TB and other lung diseases. Unfortunately, we could not determine if MDSC or monocytes had an enhanced chemotactic response due to low MDSC number retrieval. The results also showed that BCG-infected and uninfected monocytes and MDSC had an enhanced migratory response to CCL2 in comparison to CCL5. We were also able to identify chemokines and cytokines that are secreted by MDSC and monocytes when cultured with BCG. The main findings show that similar analytes were secreted at elevated concentrations by both MDSC and monocytes. However, monocytes tend to produce most of the cytokines and chemokines at increased levels in comparison to MDSC. Furthermore, MMP-9, CCL5,CXCL4 and CXCL8 were detected at high concentrations in BCG-infected MDSC in comparison to BCG-infected monocytes. There are currently no chemokines identified to elicit MDSC migration in active TB disease as most research available are in cancer studies. This study has shown CCL2 and CCL5 as potential MDSC chemo-attractants in TB. However, further investigation focused on MDSC derived from the site of infection, the lungs are required. These findings could then contribute towards TB host-directed therapy approaches. Another important finding was the detection of chemokines and cytokines produced by BCG- infected MDSC and monocytes which can contribute towards TB biomarker research.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Mykobakterium tuberkulose (M.tb) infeksie is een van die grootste bydraende faktore tot sterftes wêreldwyd vanaf ‘n enkele patogeen. Myeloïede afgeleide onderdrukkende selle (MDSC) speel ‘n groot rol in die ontwikkeling van tuberkulose (TB) deur die T-en B-selproliferasie, en -funksie te onderdruk. T-selle speel ‘n noodsaaklikbeskermende rol teen TB. Die selle is die hoofproduseerders van pro-inflammatoriese sitokiene soos IFN-γ en TNF-α, wat ‘n belangrike rol in makrofaagaktivering en imuunselmigrasie in die siekte se ontwikkeling speel. Die meeste MDSC studies is gerig op kankernavorsing gevolglik is daar ‘n gebrek aan navorsing op MDSC chemotaktiese migrasie in siektetoestande soos TB. Kankernavorsing op MDSC het sekere chemokiene uitgelig wat betrokke is met MDSC-migrasie vir gasheergerigte behandeling. Ons hoofdoel is die identifisering van chemokiene wat MDSC-migrasie bewerkstelling, MDSC en monosiet chemotaktiese dinamika te vergelyk, sowel as die chemokiene en sitokiene wat geproduseer word deur MDSC tydens infeksie te identifiseer. Die migrasietoetsing sluit in MDSC (CD3-/HLA-DR-/CD33+) en monosiete (CD3- /CD14+) wat vanaf periferele bloed van aktiewe TB en ander pulmonêre siektetoestandgevalle (n=22) geïsoleer was. Twee chemokiene, nl. CCL2 (2ng/ml) en CCL5(3ng/ml), is gekies om migrasiepotensiaal te ondersoek. Fluorosensiemikroskopie is gebruik om die eksperimente te doen in drie-uur sessies. ‘n Outomatiese sel ‘tracker’, Fast Track Al, is gebruik om die migrasieresultate te genereer. ‘n Luminex-toets is gebruik om chemokiene en sitokiene te identifiseer wat MDSC toename bewerkstellig. Daaruit is 51 analiete vir die eksperimentele toetsing gekies. MDSC en monosiete is deur Mykobakterium bovis basillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) met ‘n MOI van 10 geïnfekteer, en vir twee ure gekweek. Voorlopige resultate toon dat CCL2 en CCL5 ‘n chemotaktiese migrasie-respons in MDSC en monosiete veroorsaak. Daar is ook gevind dat BCG infeksie ‘n toename in selmigrasie in beide TB, en ander pulmonêre siektes veroorsaak. Aangesien ons met lae getalle MDSC gewerk het weens lae selverkryging, kon die presiese MDSC of monosiete wat die verhoogde chemotaktiese respons veroorsaak het, nie bepaal word nie. Die resultate wat verkry is dui daarop dat BCG-geïnfekteerde en ongeïnfekteerde monosiete en MDSC ‘n hoër migrasie-respons gehad het teenoor CCL2 as CCL5. Dit was ook moontlik om die chemokiene en sitokiene wat deur BCG- gestimuleerde MDSC en monosiete geproduseer was te identifiseer. Ons hoofbevinding is dat verhoogde vlakke van soortgelyke analiete vrygestel word deur beide MDSC en monosiete. Die monosiete was wel die grootste produseerder van die sitokiene en chemokiene. Daar was verder gevind dat MMP-9, CCL5, CXCL4 en CXCL8 teen hoër konsentrasies in BCG-geïnfekteerde MDSC teenwoordig was as in BCG-geïnfekteerde monosiete. Daar is tans geen chemokiene geïdentifiseer wat MDSC-migrasie ontlok in aktiewe TB nie, aangesien die meeste beskikbare MDSC-navorsing op kanker gerig is.Hierdie navorsingstudie het bewys dat CCL2 en CCL5 as potensiële MDSC chemo- aantrekkers in TB gebruik kan word. Verdere navorsing word nog benodig op MDSC, afkomstig vanaf die infeksie by die longe. Hierdie bevindings kan bydra tot TB gerigte terapeutiese behandeling. ‘n Verdere belangrike uitvinding is die teenwoordigheid van chemokiene en sitokiene, geproduseer deur BCG- geïnfekteerde MDSC en monosiete. Dit weer kan aanleiding gee tot verdere navorsing in ‘n nuwe generasie van TB biomerkers.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Suppressor cells, Monocytes, UCTD