Management of coastal wetlands as an effective climate response : lessons learned from global blue carbon projects to aid successful project implementation in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Blue carbon ecosystems facilitate climate change mitigation because they sequester and store vast quantities of carbon. Since blue carbon ecosystems are being converted to other land uses for profit, economic incentives are needed for their protection. Blue carbon offset projects that generate carbon credits for the market by conserving and/or restoring coastal wetlands can provide this economic incentive, but as yet there are no blue carbon projects in South Africa. The purpose of this study is to better understand the management strategies used in global blue carbon projects in order to make recommendations for project implementation in South Africa. The research design is an empirical analysis of existing data on global blue carbon projects registered with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS). The results demonstrate that political support is critical for project success. In addition, the private sector plays the key function of providing financial support. Therefore, the recommendation for South Africa is to have two project proponents: a private sector actor and the relevant government entity in a public–private partnership. The results also demonstrate the importance of effective community engagement; therefore, it is recommended that South African projects engage at the highest possible level with local communities. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that all projects are committed to a holistic approach that incorporates numerous goals in addition to the generation of carbon credits for the market. Therefore, it is recommended that South African projects aim for high levels of ambition regarding contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bloukoolstofekosisteme fasiliteer tempering van klimaatsverandering omdat hulle groot hoeveelhede koolstof onttrek en stoor. Siende dat gebiede waar bloukoolstofekosisteme voorkom omgeskakel word vir winsgewende gebruike, is ekonomiese aanmoedigingsmaatreëls nodig om hul beskerming te verseker. Projekte wat koolstofkrediete genereer deur kusvleilande te bewaar of te herstel is ’n moontlike ekonomiese aanmoedigingsmaatreël, maar tot dusver is daar nog geen bloukoolstofprojekte in Suid-Afrika van stapel gestuur nie. Hierdie studie het ten doel om bestuurstrategieë vir bloukoolstofprojekte beter te verstaan en derhalwe aanbevelings vir projekimplementering in Suid-Afrika te maak. Die navorsingontwerp behels ’n empiriese analise van bestaande bloukoolstofprojekte wat by die “Clean Development Mechanism”- en “Voluntary Carbon Standard”-programme geregistreer is. Die resultate dui daarop dat politieke ondersteuning krities is vir die sukses van sulke projekte en dat die private sektor ’n sleutelrol het in finansiële ondersteuning. Die aanbeveling vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is dus dat projekte twee voorstanders nodig het: ’n rolspeler uit die private sektor sowel as ’n relevante regeringsentiteit om ’n openbare–private vennootskap te skep. Die bevindings toon voorts ook dat doeltreffende gemeenskapbetrokkenheid belangrik is, en daar word dus aanbeveel dat Suid-Afrikaanse projekte plaaslike gemeenskappe op die hoogste moontlike vlak moet betrek. Die analise toon ook dat projekte ’n holistiese benadering volg wat verskeie doelwitte inkorporeer, benewens om koolstofkrediete te genereer. Daar word dus aanbeveel dat Suid-Afrikaanse projekte na ambisieuse bydraes tot volhoubareontwikkelingsdoelwitte moet streef.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Climatic changes -- South Africa, Climate change mitigation -- South Africa, Seawater -- Carbon dioxide content -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa, Coastal biodiversity conservation -- South Africa, UCTD