Health care workers’ perception on comprehensiveness of care for sexual assault survivors in two hospitals in the Oshikoto Region, Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Background: Sexual assault is a major health concern as it has the potential to lead to immediate and long-term health problems such as physical and psychological ill-health, sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. The aim of the study was to explore health care workers’ perspectives on the comprehensiveness of care of sexual assault survivors in two of the districts of the Oshikoto region in Namibia. The study objectives included exploration on how health care workers’ self-report on their management of sexual assault survivors on their first presentation, factors affecting the management of sexual assault survivors, including their follow-up care and recommendations to improve the care of sexual assault survivors. Methods: An exploratory, descriptive qualitative design was used for the study in the Tsumeb and Onandjokwe districts of the Oshikoto region in Namibia. A pilot interview was conducted in Tsumeb district to ensure the feasibility of the methodology. Eleven in-depth interviews were conducted, using a semi-structured interview guide. Authorization to conduct the study was obtained via the Health Research Ethics Committee at Stellenbosch University, South Africa and the research committee of the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Namibia, and the Health Directorate of the Oshikoto region. Participants also provided informed consent to partake in the study. A data analysis was done using thematic analysis method in which coding was used to group the ideas, themes was then generated from the grouped ideas. Results: The findings were grouped using into themes and subthemes to help the researcher to conclude the study. The study revealed a need for in-service training for health care workers as evidenced by partial guidelines adherence. In addition, attitudes of the health care workers were reported not to be suitable for sexual assault survivors’ care. As a result of inadequate knowledge of health care workers, survivors were rarely referred for special care such as psychological services and absence of follow up activities through coordinated services that comprises of a multidisciplinary team. Further, the involvement of the families in the care of sexual assault survivors was reported to be poor because of the consequences that may arise for them if reported to the police. Conclusion: The study results identified gaps in service delivery of comprehensive care for sexual assault survivors. Poor coordination of activities pertaining to care of sexual assault survivors was reported as a result of inadequate knowledge of health care workers. Furthermore, collaboration between departments was also absent thus not enhancing comprehensiveness of care.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Seksuele aanranding is ‘n groot gesondheidsorg bekommernis omdat dit potensieel kan lei tot onmiddelike, sowel as langtermyn probleme soos fisiese en sielkundige swak gesondheid, seksueel-oordraagbare siektes en onwelkome swangerskappe. Die doel van die studie was om gesondheidsorgwerkers se siening oor die omvangrykheid van sorg aan oorlewendes van seksuele aanranding en die faktore wat hierdie sorg beinvloed, te bepaal. Sodoende kan aanbevelings gedoen word ter verbetering van sorg. Metode: ‘n Ondersoekende, beskrywende kwalitatiewe ontwerp is gebruik vir die studie in die Tsumeb en Onandjokwe distrikte van die Oshikoto area in Namibia. ‘n proefonderhoud is gedoen in die Tsumeb distrik om die uitvoerbaarheid van die metodologie te bepaal. Elf in-diepte onderhoude is gedoen met behulp van ‘n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudgids. Magtiging om die studie uit te voer is verkry vanaf die Etiese Gesondheidsnavorsingskomitee by Stellenbosch Universiteit, Suid Afrika, en die navorsingskomitee van die Ministerie van Gesondheid en Welsynsdienste in Namibia, sowel as die Direktoraat van die Oshikoto streek. Deelnemers het ook ingeligde toestemming verskaf om deel te neem aan die studie. ‘n Data ontleding is gedoen deur middel van die tematiese analise metode, waar kodering gebruik is om die idees te groepeer en temas te vorm van die gegroepeerde temas. Resultate: Resultate is gegroepeer in temas en subtemas om gevolgtrekkings vir die studie te kon maak. Die studie het getoon dat daar n behoefte is vir indiensopleiding van gesondheidsorgwerkers, omdat net sekere van die riglyne nagekom word. Daar is ook addisioneel bevind dat die die gedrag en gesindheid van die gesondheidsorgwerkers onaanvaarbaar is vir seksuele aanrandingsorg. Die gevolge van die onvoldoende kennis van die gesondheidsorgwerkers is dat die oorlewendes selde verwys word vir spesiale sorg soos sielkundige dienste, en die afwesigheid van opvolgaktiwiteite deur gekoördineerde dienste gelewer deur ‘n mulitidissiplinere span. Daar is ook bevind dat die betrokkendheid van families van SAS baie swak is, want hulle is bang vir die gevolge indien dit aan polisie gerapporteer word. Slotsom: Verder het die studie getoon dat daar groot gapings is in omvattende dienslewering en sorg vir persone wat seksueel aangerand was, en dit oorleef het. Die swak koördinering en opleiding vir die versorging van SAS was gerapporteer, en is die resultaat van swak en onvoldoende kennis van gesondheidsorgwerkers. Verder was die samewerking tussen die verskillende departemente ook afwesig, wat bygedra het tot die onvoldoende omvattende sorg.
Thesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Rape victims -- Services for -- Namibia, Rape victims -- Counseling of -- Namibia, Sexual abuse victims -- Counseling of -- Namibia, UCTD