A case for 'anticipatory leadership' : Christian eschatology and anticipation as a leadership competency for ministers in 'an age of perplexity'

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Communities around the world are experiencing accelerating social change at a bewildering pace. Rapid globalisation is spurring vast advancements that require constant adaption. While society values the welfare that global innovations and developments contribute, there are unintended consequences as spin-offs. The modern landscape is filled with environments that are full of complexities interjecting immense uncertainty into the social fabric of society. In a sophisticated and challenging modern world, religious leaders lead faith communities. The associated uncertainties of modern living have the potential to paralyse ministry leaders and cloud their outlook of the future. How do religious leaders faithfully lead in a fast-changing and disruptive world? How is the modern context impairing leaders’ thinking about the future? Is the future a constant source of concern that leaders find perplexing or is it filled with hope? These are the issues the study explores. The Christian tradition contains the domain of eschatology which has rich reflections on the subject of time, temporality and the future. This can assist religious leaders to lead faithfully in the face of vast uncertainties. Christian eschatology and its traits of anticipation, expectation and hope can be articulated into a leadership competency that has immense value. The study will focus on formulating a religious leadership competency that can adequately respond to the modern environment. By examining the global context and analysing its consequences on leadership, a competency would be introduced to what this study calls “anticipatory leadership”. This can assist religious leaders to lead faithfully in a context of overwhelming change.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gemeenskappe regoor die wêreld ervaar versnelde sosiale verandering teen 'n verbysterende pas. Blitsige globalisering lewer groot vooruitgang wat konstante aanpassing verg. Terwyl die samelewing die welstand waardeer wat wêreldwye innovasies en ontwikkelings bring, is daar onbeplande gevolge as newe-effekte. Die moderne landskap is gevul met omstandighede wat vol kompleksiteite is wat geweldige onsekerheid in die sosiale weefsel van die samelewing tussenwerp. In 'n gesofistikeerde en uitdagende moderne wêreld lei godsdienstige leiers geloofsgemeenskappe. Die gepaardgaande onsekerhede van die moderne lewe het die potensiaal om bedieningsleiers lam te lê en hul uitkyk op die toekoms te vertroebel. Hoe lei godsdiensleiers in ’n vinnig veranderende en ontwrigtende wêreld hul gemeenskappe? Hoe benadeel die moderne konteks leiers se denke oor die toekoms? Is die toekoms ’n konstante bron van kommer wat leiers verwarrend vind of is dit met hoop gevul? Dit is die kwessies wat die studie ondersoek. Die Christelike tradisie bevat die domein van eskatologie wat ryk besinning oor die onderwerp van tyd, tydelikheid en die toekoms het. Dit kan godsdienstige leiers help om te midde van groot onsekerhede getrou gemeenskappe te lei. Christelike eskatologie en sy eienskappe van afwagting, verwagting en hoop kan verwoord word in 'n leierskapsbevoegdheid wat ontsaglike waarde het. Die studie sal fokus op die formulering van ’n godsdienstige leierskapsbevoegdheid wat voldoende op die eise van die moderne omgewing kan reageer. Deur die globale konteks te ondersoek en die gevolge daarvan op leierskap te ontleed, sal ’n bevoegdheid bekendgestel word wat hierdie studie "antisiperende leierskap" noem. Dit kan godsdienstige leiers help om in ’n konteks van oorweldigende verandering getrou hul roeping uitleef en gemeenskappe begelei.
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Eschatology, Leadership, Christian leadership, UCTD