Numerical and experimental evaluation of in-transit fruit temperature control alternatives inside integral containers

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ENGLISH SUMMARY: In horticultural industries, precooling of fresh fruit is costly and encompasses numerous logistical processes. Delays are often encountered in the operation and scheduling of refrigerated containers (reefers) used for transportation of fruit. For improved operational performance and flexibility, this study explored the potential of bypassing the rigorous process of precooling fruit in a forced-air cooling system, and rather loading fruit into reefers at pre-optimum temperatures and, therefrom, relying on the cooling capacity of the reefer to lower fruit temperature to the required optimum temperature during transportation. The aim of this research study was to determine the capacity of reefers to handle fresh produce at above-optimum loading temperatures. This study developed and validated a 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of a reefer which takes into consideration current industry postharvest handling guidelines. The model was then used to evaluate the performance of reefers as a function of fruit loading temperature. Fruit quality was assessed after shipment. Pallets were modelled using a porous media approach with the directional loss properties obtained from a forced-air cooling experiment. The model also implemented the temperature control dynamics of the refrigeration unit, the ambient conditions outside the reefer and the heat generation of the fruit to accurately predict the temperature distribution inside the reefer. First, the handling of apples at average temperature of 13.31 °C, much higher than the industry recommended pre-optimum temperature of 3 °C, was considered. In less than 2 days of cooling, the reefer was able to lower the fruit core temperature to < 1.7 ℃, compared with the optimum storage temperature of 0 ℃. The model successfully reproduced the airflow and temperature distributions inside the reefer with an error of 0.22 °C for the temperature profile. Fruit quality was acceptable at the end of the experiment based on firmness, colour, and weight loss quality attributes. Secondly, the model was used to investigate the potential of loading apples and pears at a pre-optimum temperature of 5 ℃, which is closer to the recommended maximum pre-optimum temperature of 3 ℃. The results showed that the reefer was able to lower the fruit core temperature to < 1.7 ℃ and < 1.5 ℃ for the apple and pear, respectively, in less than 1 day of cooling. In addition, an international export of Golden Delicious apples was conducted to experimentally establish the capacity of reefers to cool the fruit under typical commercial shipping conditions. The results showed sufficient cooling inside the container with acceptable fruit quality upon arrival, after 54 days, based on industry recommended standards.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: In tuinboubedrywe, is die voorverkoelingsvereistes van vars vrugte duur, en sluit talle logistieke prosesse in. Vertragings in die operasionele bedrywighede en skedulering van vervoer koelhouers in die vrugtebedryf, word gereeld ondervind. Vir beter operasionele werkverrigting en buigsaamheid, ondersoek hierdie studie die potensiaal om die streng proses van voorafverkoeling in geforseerde lugverkoelingstelsels te omseil, en liewer die vrugte teen pre-optimale temperature in koelhouers te laai, en dan staat te maak op die verkoelingskapasiteit van die koelhouer om die vrugtetemperatuur, tydens vervoer, te verlaag tot die vereiste optimale temperatuur. Hierdie studie het ten doel om die kapasiteit van koelhouers, om produkte teen hoër as optimale laaitemperature te hanteer, te bepaal. 'n 3D berekeningsvloeidinamika (BVD) model van 'n koelhouer is ontwikkel en bekragtig, wat industriële hanteringsriglyne insluit. Die model is toe gebruik om die werkverrigting van koelhouers, as 'n funksie van vruglaaitemperatuur, te evalueer. Die vrugkwaliteit is ook na berging en verskeping beoordeel. Palette is gemodelleer deur gebruik te maak van 'n poreuse media benadering, met die rigtingverlies eienskappe verkry uit 'n geforseerde-lug verkoeling eksperiment. Die model het ook die temperatuurbeheerdinamika van die verkoelingseenheid, die omgewingstoestande buite die koelhouer en die hittegenerering van die vrugte geïmplementeer om sodoende die temperatuurverspreiding binne die koelhouer akkuraat te voorspel. Eerstens is appels by 'n gemiddelde temperatuur van 13,3 °C, veel hoër as die industrie se aanbevole pre-optimale temperatuur van 3 °C, oorweeg. In minder as 2 dae van afkoeling kon die koelhouer die vrug se kern-temperatuur tot < 1,7 ℃ verlaag, in vergelyking met die optimale bergingstemperatuur van 0 °C. Die model het die lugvloei en temperatuurverspreidings binne die koelhouer suksesvol voorspel, met 'n fout van 0.22 °C vir die temperatuurprofiel. Vrugkwaliteit was aanvaarbaar aan die einde van die eksperiment, gebaseer op fermheid, kleur en gewigsverlies kwaliteit eienskappe. Tweedens is die model gebruik om die potensiaal te ondersoek om appels en pere te laai by 'n pre-optimale temperatuur van 5 ℃, wat nader aan die aanbevole maksimum temperatuur van 3 ℃ is. Die resultate het getoon dat die koelhouer in staat was om die vrugkern-temperatuur te verlaag tot < 1.7 ℃ en < 1.5 ℃ vir die appels en pere onderskeidelik, in minder as 1 dag van afkoeling. Boonop is 'n internasionale besending Golden Delicious appels uitgevoer om die kapasiteit van koelhouers om die vrugte onder tipiese kommersiële verskepingstoestande af te koel, eksperimenteel vas te stel. Die resultate het voldoende verkoeling binne die houer getoon met aanvaarbare vrugkwaliteit by aankoms, na 54 dae, gebaseer op industrie aanbevole standaarde.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Precooling, Refrigerated containers, Computational fluid dynamics, UCTD