The refinement of an artificial insemination protocol in ostriches

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study refined artificial insemination (AI) in ostriches by conducting several studies that covered a range of topics. The first of these determined seasonal effects on male traits and suggested that sperm characteristics were compromised only around the winter solstice, while male libido (measured as the willingness to ejaculate in the dummy female) was at its lowest around the autumn equinox. Collectively, the best periods to collect semen were around spring equinox and summer solstice dates when sperm output and male libido were at their best. The second study determined the optimal sperm dose and frequency of insemination that maintained fertility throughout the laying period and resulted in chick production. AI with various sperm doses per week were used (<2.5 × 109, 2.5-5 × 109, 5-7.5 × 109 and 7.5-9.6 × 109 sperm) and resulted in lower fertility of eggs with sperm doses less than 2.5 × 109 sperm/week. Increasing the sperm dose to 2.5-5 × 109 sperm/week improved fertility and the fertile period (the number of days fertilized eggs were laid after the last AI), with the latter reaching an average of 12 days. However, a further increase in the sperm dose per week (5- 7.5 × 109 and 7.5-9.6 × 109 sperm) did not further improve fertility, fertile period and the rate of sperm loss in females. Therefore, it was suggested that the optimal sperm dose for insemination in ostriches was 2.5 × 109 sperm/week. This sperm dose was able to maintain fertility when inseminated on a weekly basis for five weeks and chicks were produced after AI. This highlighted the potential ability of chick production in ostriches after AI and suggests that this technology could be useful in breeding ostriches. Thirdly, it was established that heritability estimates (h²) were moderate (0.13) for monthly egg production and high (0.40) for mean egg weight for individually penned female ostriches (AI females). This implies that egg weight and production in an ostrich AI flock are heritable and could be improved by selection. Fourthly, significant correlations of the affordable traditional mass sperm motility scoring method with ostrich sperm motility traits measured by the advanced, yet expensive computer-aided sperm analysis system were determined. These findings suggest that screening of males for sperm motility could be done using the affordable traditional method. Fifthly, juvenile ostriches subjected to positive interactions with humans were more likely to associate and less likely to keep a distance from their human handlers. Likewise, birds of the South African Black (SAB) strain and crosses of the SAB with Zimbabwean Blues (ZB) and Kenyan Reds (KR) also interacted more with their human handlers than purebred ZB and KR birds. Behaviour traits used to identify birds for recruitment in the AI program were all heritable and should respond to selection. No unfavourable genetic correlations were recorded between these behavioural responses towards humans and most traits in the slaughter bird complex. These results suggest that temperament in ostriches can be improved by selecting birds willing to associate with humans, without compromising slaughter weight. Hence, the study demonstrated that AI is a feasible and economically viable breeding alternative in ostriches whilst also pointing out areas that still need further research. If implemented correctly, AI is likely to benefit the genetic evaluation of breeder birds, while improving human occupational health and safety and animal welfare. Combined, these aspects are likely to contribute to ethical and sustainable ostrich production.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het kunsmatige inseminasie (KI) by volstruise verfyn deur etlike studies op ‘n verskeidenheid onderwerpe te onderneem. Die eerste studie het seisoenale effekte of mannetjie-eienskappe ondersoek en gevind dat sperm-eienskappe rondom die winter sonstilstand benadeel is, terwyl libido ‘n laagtepunt rondom die herfs dag-en-nag-ewening bereik het. Die beste tyd om semen te kollekteer was rondom die lente-ewening en die somer sonstilstand. Die tweede eksperiment het die beste spermdosis en gereeldheid van inseminasie om vrugbaarheid te onderhou en kuikenproduksie te bewerkstellig, ondersoek. KI met veranderende spermdosisse per week (<2.5 × 109, 2.5-5 × 109, 5-7.5 × 109 en 7.5-9.6 × 109 sperme) het tot laer vrugbaarheid by spermdosisse onder 2.5 × 109 sperme/week gelei. Die verhoging van die spermdosis na 2.5-5 × 109 sperme/week het vrugbaarheid en die vrugbare periode (die getal dae waartydens vrugbare eiers produseer is na die laaste KI) verhoog met laasgenoemde tydperk wat ‘n waarde van 12 dae bereik het. ‘n Verdere verhoging in spermdosis per week (na 5-7.5 × 109 en 7.5-9.6 × 109 sperme) het nie vrugbaarheid, die vrugbare periode en die tempo van spermverlies beïnvloed nie. Die beste spermdosis vir KI by volstruise is dus op 2.5 × 109 sperme/week vasgestel. Hierdie spermdosis het vrugbaarheid volgehou wanneer dit op ‘n weeklikse basis ge-insemineer is, terwyl kuikens ook op die wyse geproduseer is. Hierdie resultate het bevestig dat KI in staat is om kuikenproduksie by volstruise te bewerkstellig en dat die tegnologie nuttig in volstruisteelt gebruik kan word. Derdens is vasgestel dat maandelikse eierproduksie matig oorerflik was by wyfies in individuele kampe (0.13) terwyl maandelikse gemiddelde eiergewig hoogs oorerflik was (0.40). Eiergewig en –produksie in die KI-kudde kan dus met seleksie verhoog word. Vierdens is betekenisvolle korrelasies van die bekostigbare massa-bewegingspunt met gevorderde, maar duur rekenaar-ondersteunde spermontledingsmetodes beraam. Die roetine evaluasie van sperme van mannetjies vir massa-beweging kan dus volgens die bekostigbare massa-bewegingsmetode uitgevoer word. Vyfdens is vasgestel dat jong volstruise wat as dagoudkuikens aan positiewe interaksies met mense blootgestel is, makliker met mense ge- assosieer het en minder waarskynlik was om ‘n afstand te gehandhaaf. Ooreenstemmend het Suid-Afrikaanse Swart volstruise (SAS), en kruise van die SAS met die Zimbabwiese Blou (ZB) en Kenyaanse Rooi (KR) volstruise ook meer geredelik met mense ge-assosieer as suiwer ZB en KR volstruise. Gedragseienskappe wat gebruik is om volstruise vir die KI- program te werf was almal oorerflik en sal dus op doelgerigte seleksie reageer. Daar was nie ongunstige genetiese korrelasies tussen hierdie eienskappe en die meeste slageienskappe nie. Temperament van volstruise kan dus deur die seleksie van voëls wat met mense assosieer verbeter word, sonder om slaggewig te benadeel. Die studie het die toepaslikheid van KI as ‘n moontlike en lewensvatbare teeltalternatief by volstuise uitgelig, terwyl dit ook onderwerpe vir verdere studie uitgewys het. Indien KI korrek implimenteer word, kan dit die genetiese evaluasie van teeltvoëls sowel as beroepsveiligheid van hanteerders en die welsyn van volstruise bevoordeel. Hierdie bevindings kan gekombineer word on tot etiese en volhoubare volstruisproduksie by te dra.
Thesis (PhDAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Ostriches -- Breeding, Semen collection, Sperm quality, Ostriches -- Artificial insemination, Fertility, Ostriches -- Reproduction, UCTD