Resilience and conscientiousness as predictors of burnout amongst call centre employees

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Relevant literature relating to call centres consistently refers to the emotional nature of call centre work environments and the negative impact thereof on their employees. The purpose of this study is to determine whether resilience and levels of conscientiousness jointly and interactively predict the occurrence of burnout among call centre employees. Two hundred and fifty inbound call centre agents from two respective call centres voluntarily participated in this study. The results demonstrate the predictive value of resilience and conscientiousness with respect to burnout amongst call centre employees. Whereas curvilinear trends in the relations could be detected, modelling simple linear relations did not lead to loss of explanatory power. The results also indicate an interactive effect, such that conscientiousness diminishes the negative effects of low resilience on burnout.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Relevante literatuur met betrekking tot inbelsentrums verwys konsekwent na die emosionele aard van inbelsentrumwerkomgewings en die negatiewe impak daarvan op hul werknemers. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of veerkragtigheid en vlakke van pligsgetrouheid gesamentlik en interaktief die voorkoms van uitbranding onder oproepsentrumwerknemers voorspel. Tweehonderd-en-vyftig inkomende inbelsentrumagente van twee onderskeie inbelsentrums het vrywillig aan hierdie studie deelgeneem. Die resultate toon die voorspellende waarde van veerkragtigheid en pligsgetrouheid met betrekking tot uitbranding onder oproepsentrumwerknemers. Terwyl kurvilineêre tendense in die verhoudings opgespoor kon word, het modellering van eenvoudige lineêre verhoudings nie tot verlies van verklarende krag gelei nie. Die resultate dui ook op 'n interaktiewe effek, sodat pligsgetrouheid die negatiewe gevolge van lae veerkragtigheid op uitbranding verminder.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Burn out (Psychology) -- South Africa, Call center agents -- Job stress -- South Africa, Call centers -- Personnel management -- South Africa, Call centers -- Employees -- South Africa, UCTD