Restoring the Kuils River : understanding the past to inform the future

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: This study examined the state of the Kuils River catchment in Cape Town, South Africa, in terms of land-use change, ecosystem services, and water quality, to identify potential drivers of degradation and pathways for river ecosystem repair, which will help guide future rehabilitation and restoration efforts. To begin, the status of the Kuils River was analysed using historical and present Land-Use/Land-Change (LULC) data to create a baseline for rehabilitation or restoration. This was accomplished by mapping LULC across time (from 1944 to 2021) inside a 2.5 km radius of the Kuils River using GIS technology. Statistical assessments found that urbanisation and related anthropogenic activities were the primary drivers of alterations to the Kuils River. The extent of alien plants has increased because of these changes, and the system has shifted from a seasonal to a permanent wet state. Some of the Kuils River's effects may be mitigated by creating more sustainable green places. Given the Kuils River's urban environment and severe disruption, rehabilitation rather than restoration is the most likely level of action. In addition to other management alternatives such as building more sustainable green spaces along the Kuils River, sections of the river should be prioritised for restoration, with a special emphasis on alien vegetation eradication. The reasons for the Kuils River's water quality variations were investigated using long-term water quality trends (1974-2021) for numerous physical, chemical, and biological variables. River quality indicators all indicate a stressed urban river system, with major variables indicating deteriorating quality over time and across space, likely due to urbanisation-related land-use change. The Bottelary River, a very polluted tributary, as well as other anthropogenic influences including urban runoff, have been recognised as important drivers of these developments. The main contributors to poor water quality were organic contaminants, nutrients, pH, toxicants, and salts. As a result, concentrating on the primary point sources should be the first step in moderating or correcting such deteriorating water quality trends. The WET-Health and WET-EcoServices programs were used to examine four wetlands along the Kuils River in the hopes of identifying river portions that could be rehabilitated. These techniques helped assess the existing (and future) health of wetlands and the ecosystem services they provide, and found that the wetlands along the Kuils River are deteriorating, with ecological thresholds likely surpassed. In the Kuils River, restorative activities should strive to increase ecosystem service delivery while maintaining some ecological integrity in these wetlands. Rehabilitating existing, larger wetlands, such as the Kuils River corridor, would be necessary. Controlling invasive species and improving hydrological and geomorphological conditions (e.g. by creating floodplain-like areas and wetlands to trap nutrients in sediment and changing the hardened channels to mimic the natural hydrology of the system) are examples of specific efforts. The final chapter covers possible remedial actions. Although the findings of this study call for immediate improvement in the status of the Kuils River, they also show that a typical restorative effort to return it to its historic state is unattainable. There are recommendations for restorative measures that could be implemented in the Kuils River, with an emphasis on alien vegetation management, ecosystem service delivery, and improved water quality.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die stand van die Kuilsrivier-opvangsgebied in Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika, ten opsigte van verandering in grondgebruik, ekosisteemdienste en waterkwaliteit, ten einde potensiële drywers van agteruitgang en paaie vir die herstel van die rivierekosisteem te identifiseer, wat sal help lei tot toekomstige rehabilitasie- en herstelpogings. Om mee te begin, word die status van die Kuilsrivier geanaliseer met behulp van historiese en huidige data oor grondgebruik / grondverandering (LULC) om 'n basis vir rehabilitasie of herstel te skep. Dit is bewerkstellig deur LULC oor tyd (van 1944 tot 2021) binne 'n radius van 2,5 km van die Kuilsrivier met behulp van GIS-tegnologie te karteer. Statistiese beoordelings het bevind dat verstedeliking en verwante antropogeniese aktiwiteite die belangrikste dryfveer was vir veranderinge aan die Kuilsrivier. Die gebied van uitheemse plante het toegeneem as gevolg van hierdie veranderinge, en die stelsel het van 'n seisoenale na 'n permanente nat toestand verskuif. Sommige van die gevolge van die Kuilsrivier kan versag word deur meer volhoubare groen plekke te skep. Gegewe die stedelike omgewing van die Kuilsrivier en ernstige ontwrigting, is rehabilitasie eerder as herstel die waarskynlikste aksie. Benewens ander bestuursalternatiewe, soos die bou van meer volhoubare groen ruimtes langs die Kuilsrivier, moet gedeeltes van die rivier geprioritiseer word vir herstel, met 'n spesiale klem op die uitwissing van uitheemse plantegroei. Die redes vir die Kuilsrivier se variasies in waterkwaliteit is ondersoek met behulp van langtermyn waterkwaliteitstendense (1974-2021) vir talle fisiese, chemiese en biologiese veranderlikes. Aanwysers vir rivierkwaliteit dui almal aan op 'n beklemtoonde stedelike rivierstelsel, met groot veranderlikes wat die kwaliteit van die tyd en oor die ruimte vererger, waarskynlik as gevolg van verstedeliking-verwante verandering in grondgebruik. Die Bottelary rivier, 'n baie besoedelde sytak, sowel as ander antropogene invloede, insluitend stedelike afloop, is erken as belangrike drywers van hierdie ontwikkelings. Die belangrikste bydraers tot die swak watergehalte was organiese kontaminante, voedingstowwe, pH, toksiese middels en soute. As gevolg hiervan, moet konsentrasie op die primêre puntbronne die eerste stap wees om sulke verslegtende neigings te modereer of reg te stel. Die WET-Health- en WET-EcoServices-programme is gebruik om vier vleilande langs die Kuilsrivier te ondersoek in die hoop om riviergedeeltes te identifiseer wat gerehabiliteer kon word. Hierdie tegnieke het gehelp om die bestaande (en toekomstige) gesondheid van vleilande en die ekosisteemdienste wat gelewer word, te beoordeel, en hulle het gevind dat die vleilande langs die Kuilsrivier agteruitgaan, met ekologiese drempels waarskynlik oortref. In die Kuilsrivier moet herstellende aktiwiteite daarna streef om ekosisteemdienste te verhoog, terwyl die ekologiese integriteit in hierdie vleilande gehandhaaf word. Dit sou nodig wees om bestaande, groter vleilande, soos die Kuilsriviergang, te rehabiliteer. Die beheer van indringerspesies en die verbetering van hidrologiese en geomorfologiese toestande (deur byvoorbeeld vloedvlakteagtige gebiede en vleilande te skep om voedingstowwe in sediment vas te vang en die verharde kanale te verander om die natuurlike hidrologie van die stelsel na te boots) is voorbeelde van spesifieke pogings. Die laaste hoofstuk dek moontlike regstellende aksies. Ondanks die feit dat die bevindinge van hierdie studie onmiddellike verbetering in die status van die Kuilsrivier vereis, toon hulle ook dat tipiese herstellende poging om dit na sy historiese toestand terug te keer, onbereikbaar is. Daar is aanbevelings vir herstellende maatreëls wat in die Kuilsrivier geïmplementeer kan word, met die klem op uitheemse plantegroei, lewering van ekosisteemdienste en verbeterde waterkwaliteit.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Ecosystem management -- South Africa, Water quality management -- South Africa, Water quality -- South Africa, Wetlands -- South Africa, Wetland management -- South Africa, UCTD